An Antidote For A Self-Centered Day at Work

Work can be a self-centered stretch of time. Sure, it typically requires our full time and attention. And we've seen how challenging it can be to take even a few moments here ant there to acknowledge God's Presence, even to mentally pray an aspiration or two in the midst of a busy day. But we try - right?

Still, to the extent we fall short of keeping mind and heart open to the Holy Spirit, we're really left with what? Ourselves. And, as we all know, self continues to be a huge stumbling block to all our efforts to grow closer to God.

And if we think about it, it must pain Our Lord when we ignore Him unduly, especially in light of His Sacrifice on our behalf - that great Act of Love that surpasses all others, that Act of Love given for each one of us that we might be saved.

Self really takes its toll.

So here's an antidote to the bane of self, something to put all this in its proper light.

An Appeal for Jesus

Jesus Christ
Truly Man, Truly God
I believe, I know
You are here in our midst
Be real to me
Be ever more real to me
Overwhelm me
So that nothing else matters
So that no one else matters
So that my own life does not matter
So that I do not matter to myself.

Jesus Christ
Truly Man. Truly God.
The perfect Man
The perfect Lover of mankind
My perfect lover
I love You
I want to love You
I protest that I love You
‘Thou knowest that I love Thee’
In spite of all the evidence against me.
Let my love eat me up
For it is myself that is in the way
If I would think less of myself
If I would ignore myself
Pity myself less
Admire myself less
Indulge myself less
Then would I love You more
With love all-absorbing
With love self-obliterating
With love consuming.

Jesus Christ
You know what I wish to say
Before it is uttered
You read my soul better than I read it
Make it clean that it may see
Where it is untrue make it true
Selfless that it may love
The rest let it be as You will.

(Archbishop Alban Goodier, S.J.)


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