A Special Resolve To Keep Our Work Day Close to Jesus
Here's something to help us resolve to keep our work day close to Jesus. It's not always easy to do so. We get busy and Jesus becomes at best an afterthought - at best.
At the very least, we can develop the habit of resolving to devote all our work to Him, and perform our tasks for His Greater Glory. With practice we might develop the habit of acknowledging His Presence from time to time, even if only for cursory moment to two.
But the main intention of these words is to inspire uw to give ourselves to Him completely, holding nothing back. For many if not most of us, easier said than done.
Let's take a few minutes to thoughtfully read this and allow these words to spark our sincere intention to do all that it urges.
Jesus, my God and my All,
deep within my heart I know
You have been pursuing me for years,
calling me to live closer to You,
to give myself to You more perfectly, so that
all I do will be done in You, with You, and for You,
a life that has eternal value.
deep within my heart I know
You have been pursuing me for years,
calling me to live closer to You,
to give myself to You more perfectly, so that
all I do will be done in You, with You, and for You,
a life that has eternal value.
Sometimes I am confused and troubled as to
what is Your will for me, as to what kind of life
You are calling me to.
I often feel within my heart,
desires that pull me in opposite directions.
I feel drawn away from You by the world,
slowly poisoned by its false values.
And yet I feel that you are calling me to Yourself,
But I am afraid to give myself completely,
lest having You, I lose all else besides.
Forgive me.
I know You are my Heaven, and that in
gaining You, I gain all that is good for my soul.
My heart is hungry,
what is Your will for me, as to what kind of life
You are calling me to.
I often feel within my heart,
desires that pull me in opposite directions.
I feel drawn away from You by the world,
slowly poisoned by its false values.
And yet I feel that you are calling me to Yourself,
But I am afraid to give myself completely,
lest having You, I lose all else besides.
Forgive me.
I know You are my Heaven, and that in
gaining You, I gain all that is good for my soul.
My heart is hungry,
Not to receive but to give.
My heart is restless with the desire
to love without measure.
All I know is that You deserve to be loved
Above all things,
Before all things.
I desire to change my life, I promise that
from now on my life will not be the same.
I will trust You completely,
and jump off into the darkness in front of me,
knowing that You will catch me.
Despite all my fears and hesitations,
I will love You with all my heart
and live for You alone.
My heart is restless with the desire
to love without measure.
All I know is that You deserve to be loved
Above all things,
Before all things.
I desire to change my life, I promise that
from now on my life will not be the same.
I will trust You completely,
and jump off into the darkness in front of me,
knowing that You will catch me.
Despite all my fears and hesitations,
I will love You with all my heart
and live for You alone.