Freshening Up Our Examination of Conscience On a Fresh New Sunday In 2025
With the New Year, perhaps we can freshen up our daily spiritual exercises. One of these should of course be an Examination of Conscience.
You know how this goes, right? We take a some time each day to look at how things went - the good and the bad. For the bad, we express our contrition, perhaps with an Act of Contrition. If we make this something like the traditional Act of Contrition, it serves as a means to make an Act of Perfect Contrition which, as we've discussed many times, can clean out our sins, even before we manage to get to Confession.
But that's not our subject today.
Today, we simply fire up our intention to examine our conscience at some point or points each day. (Yes, you can do this more than once if it suits your individual temperament.)
And if for whatever reason you need a boost to your resolve to examine, here's something to serve that purpose. It's from one of Father Z's posts last November. He discusses a new book just published that focuses on the reality of the devil and his constant efforts to worm his way into our lives.
(And if you're not convinced of the stark reality of the Evil One, well, maybe this book will be the spark that ignites you spiritual brain and opens you mind.)
(Source HERE.)
Besides reminding us of the Enemy and his nefarious methods to worm his way into our minds, hearts, and souls, this list leaves nothing to imagination. It's specific. While all the items it names may not apply to each and every one of us, surely one or more will. And if only one, then this has been a most beneficial post to start the New Year's Sunday thoughts.
Happy New Year!