Continuing to Shake Off The World Even As We Work

Last time we talked about "shaking off the world" even as we continue our daily work. There are spiritual and practical benefits awaiting us if we do. Today we consider a very particular benefit on the spiritual side of the ledger. First this re-cap.

While diligently and effectively performing the duties our daily labor impose on us, we can still achieve some separation from our tasks. Our purpose is spiritual, but it includes an mental and emotional component. Our thoughts and emotions must work together as we strive to actively augment our spiritual life in the midst of our work.

We can do this in many ways, much of it simply brief "glances" towards Our Lord throughout the day. These can be in the form of aspirations, mortification, or simply a mental nod of recognition that He is indeed Present with us at all times, even as He does not expect us to constantly "see" Him or "feel" Him every moment.

We thus wrap our work in our spiritual life, effectively shaking off the world that would separate the natural and supernatural into discrete components. The danger of such separation lies in the tendency to allow the world to take up so much space in our thoughts, words, and actions that the supernatural is consigned to Sunday Mass and a few prayers at best from time to time. No Catholic man at work wants this. But we do recognize the need to put in serious effort to counter this natural tendency.

Thus we offered up this "shaking off the world" idea as a means to, well, shake us up to do what we should always be doing day to day.

The spiritual benefits may seem more obvious than the practical. But the practical do accompany the spiritual. The two are not, must not be kept in separate corners like two boxers before the bell rings for the next round.

Those practical benefits sit on the order and peace that a strong Interior Life imposes on all our thoughts, words, and deeds, when we "exercise" our spiritual muscles. And anyone with personal experience of the practical benefit of approaching and performing all our work in a orderly, calm, peaceful manner. As opposed to an anxious tizzy, where energy is wasted in emotional sturm und drang, we preserve our strength and apply it assiduously, consistenly to the task at hand without undue exhaustion.

And now for that very special particular benefit on the spiritual side of the ledger. It's a rather obvious and simple matter. If we can shake off the world - at least to some degree - we open our hearts and minds to a deeper understanding of God's word. By way of example, these verses from Psalm 71. On careful reading, we can see that if we are completely "chained" to this world, we face a serious roadblock to our understanding. Can we accept these verses at face value with the impediment of strictly worldly thinking?

He shall judge the poor of the people, and he shall save the children of the poor: and he shall humble the oppressor. 5 And he shall continue with the sun, and before the moon, throughout all generations.

6 He shall come down like rain upon the fleece; and as showers falling gently upon the earth. 7 In his days shall justice spring up, and abundance of peace, till the moon be taken away. 8 And he shall rule from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. 9 Before him the Ethiopians shall fall down: and his enemies shall lick the ground. 10 The kings of Tharsis and the islands shall offer presents: the kings of the Arabians and of Saba shall bring gifts:

11 And all kings of the earth shall adore him: all nations shall serve him. 12 For he shall deliver the poor from the mighty: and the needy that had no helper. 13 He shall spare the poor and needy: and he shall save the souls of the poor. 14 He shall redeem their souls from usuries and iniquity: and their names shall be honourable in his sight. 15 And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Arabia, for him they shall always adore: they shall bless him all the day.

16 And there shall be a firmament on the earth on the tops of mountains, above Libanus shall the fruit thereof be exalted: and they of the city shall flourish like the grass of the earth. 17 Let his name be blessed for evermore: his name continueth before the sun. And in him shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed: all nations shall magnify him. 18 Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who alone doth wonderful things. 19 And blessed be the name of his majesty for ever: and the whole earth shall be filled with his majesty. So be it. So be it

Lord, grant us the grace in this Your Year of 2025, to shake off the world even as we go about the rigors of our daily work.


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