If God is With Us, Whoever or Whatever is Against Us Doesn't Really Matter

Let's continue with what we began last time: that God is indeed with us, despite our failures and frustrations in recollecting ourselves from time to time to acknowledge His Presence. 

This time we add in another twist to this: those times when we suffer from people or events that can distract us - or worse.

The "worse": those who might oppose us, undermine our efforts, spread rumors about us, or simply make our work day miserable. It can happen from time to time; sometimes more than others.

Having experienced a rich and varied work life such experience includes a bit (or more) of the above, for better or worse.

As for distractions - in a sense the most innocent and least harmful of this gang - we all likely struggle with these, and so so on a daily basis. For example, we've recently posted about the distractions that this time of year brings to all of us. And depending on our individual character and temperament, some of us will be more or less distracted by one or more of the items we listed.

Indeed, here in the middle of October, these have likely made their presence known more immediately. And their presence will expand as we quickly (and it does seem to happen quickly) move through the rest of this month, dive into November, and find ourselves - seemingly in a heartbeat - flying past Thanksgiving and landing on the first day of Advent, with Christmas looming still in the distance, but approaching faster and faster.

And with this, our "end of year" pressures - depending on our job - grow, sometimes exponentially.

What of those unfortunate dastardly people and events that are our virtual enemies? One hopes these either don't exist, or are sufficiently occupied with their own troubles to keep us in their sights for long. But in those case where they do, we're in for a treat.

A treat?

Yes. Like it or not, such circumstances do seem to be permitted by a loving Father from time to time. And in such circumstances, we are called to throw ourselves at His Feet, better still, leap into His Arms, and rely on His Grace. We might even develop the habit of seeking the counsel of His Holy Spirit for guidance, as well as the protection of Guardian Angel.

Sure, we want to use our brains and deal with difficult people or events in a practical manner as well, as befits our natural surrounding. But if we can develop the practice of responding first and foremost on a supernatural level, well, both good spiritual works and practical experience (speaking personally) show us that our practical efforts stand a better chance of succeeding in fending off the offenders.

At the very least, our supernatural sensibility will allow us to remain calm and recollected. It will help us to remain at peace, even as the storm rages around us.

And isn't this a primary result of our attending to our spiritual life with vigorous intent each day. Doesn't our desire to grow ever closer to God yield - at least to some degree - this sense of calm and peace in the midst of the storm?

So back to work. But better still, back to the daily struggle to remain tethered to a loving Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who want nothing less than eternal happiness for us all. And to the degree that we can grow closer to God during this life - even in the midst of a busy work day - we will touch at least the outer borders of that eternal happiness God has prepared for us.


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