Lessons About Perfect Trust in God to Take to Work Today

As we head to work today, consider these lessons about Perfect Trust in God. We can bring these to work today. Even better, we can allow them to sink in and help us turn our daily labor into a prayer, a fundamental component of our spiritual life. 

We've shared this before, but it bears repeating. It helps us to turn towards God and away from self. It allows us to face any and all difficulties, temptations, even sufferings we may encounter during our work day with confidence that God has our back. It reminds us that even sorrows, even our joys, come from God in some mysterious way.

We are not alone. 

We are not ever hung out to dry, even when the world and those who would do us harm attempt to so hang us.

We are not alone, especially when we have achieved some success and receive plaudits and rewards for a job well done. We accept these humbly, but we know that behind these was the Hand of God, our Loving Father, Who is the source of all the good that comes from us.

Our ability to realize all this, to allow all this to shape our thoughts, words, and deeds this day at work spring from our having cultivated a Perfect Trust in God.

All of this we can learn from this poem, lessons we can take to work today.


 Perfect Trust

“Oh, for the peace of a perfect trust,
My loving God, in Thee;
Unwavering faith, that never doubts
Thou choosest best for me.
Best, though my plans be all upset;
Best, though the way be rough;
Best, though my earthly store be scant;
In Thee I have enough.
Best, though my health and strength be gone,
Though weary days be mine,
Shut out from much that others have;
Not my will, Lord, but Thine.
And e’en though disappointments come,
They too are best for me;
To wean me from this changing world,
And lead me nearer Thee.
Oh, for the peace of a perfect trust
That looks away from all;
That sees Thy hand in everything,
In great events and small;
That hears Thy voice – a Father’s voice –
Directing for the best,
Oh, for the peace of a perfect trust,
A heart with Thee at rest.”
(Author unknown)


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