Some Assistance In Using Our Time Well at Work
One of our greatest challenges during our working hours may be using our time well. It's what "time management" is all about.
Unless we spend every waking hour working (not recommended), we've all got to maximize the time at our disposal. We want to get the most done while doing it well. Rushing through our tasks in a sloppy fashion isn't good time management.
Using our time well, producing a good amount of quality work, will likely yield a favorable practical result. That result may be recognized by our boss, our clients and customers, even our colleagues. We may receive more money for our efforts or a desired promotion. When clients and customers see favorable results in a timely fashion, they may be more receptive or enthusiastic working with us. All of this is good.
Question: Can using our time well yield a good spiritual benefit? It's a critical question if we're dedicated to sanctifying our work.
So let's take a look at what some spiritual writers have to say about time, related to our souls, to our spiritual life. As we do, let's apply their thoughts specifically to our daily work. As we apply our time management skills, these selections might help us to boost not only timely work production, but also help us to grow closer to God - the entire purpose of our spiritual life.
Fr Francisco Fernandez Carvajal:
Time represents the separation between the present and that moment when we stand before God with our hands either empty or full. Only now in this life can we obtain merit for the next. In fact, each single day of ours is a period given us by God, so that we may fill it with love for him, with love for those around us, with work well done, with putting the virtues into practice.
Treasure each moment God grants to us in this life. At work, we can fill each moment with love for God simply by acknowledging His Presence and offering our efforts to Him. Thus our efficient time management becomes a return gift for all the gifts He has given us.
And as St Alphonsus Liguori tells us:
Time is a treasure of inestimable value because in every moment of time we can gain an increase of grace and eternal glory. If the Blessed in Heaven could grieve they would do so for having lost so much time, and in hell the lost souls are tormented with the thought that there us now no more time for them.
St. Alphonsus generously reminds us of the result of our proper use of time: an increase in grace and eternal glory. We receive the grace now, in this life. We receive eternal glory based on the merit we "build up" with our good thoughts, words, and actions.
Father Willie:
“All our days are spent.” (Psalm 89. 9). The hour will come for each of us when we shall echo these words of the Psalmist, when with anxious eyes we shall watch the last few sands of our life run out for ever. What avail then will be our useless regrets that we have made such little use of those precious days? Will our bitter sorrow and biting remorse bring back even one of the moments we have so uselessly squandered in idle pleasure or consumed in sinful deeds?
Father reminds us of death. The recollection of death during the work day may be just the spark to get us to do all we can for the greater glory of God rather than our own practical or even selfish needs and desires.
So now it's time to use our time well at work!