Comparing Our Work to the Work of St. Peter Claver

Following up on our valuable "checklist" by Archbishop Goodier, we turn to comparing our work to the work of St. Peter Claver. His feast day passed in early September. 

Archbishop Goodier's checklist helps us strengthen our spiritual life. Doing so helps us withstand current and future difficulties and troubles we may face, whether in the workplace, or simply in our personal life. Looking at the work of St. Peter Claver serves another purpose. If you don't know anything about his work, you may be stunned, if you think about what he actually did day to day.

But our purpose isn't to rattle. It's to consider what's really, REALLY difficult work. No matter what difficulties or troubles any of us are facing or may face on the job, it's hard to see how it could compare to to the work of St. Peter Claver.

We'll simply post remarks by Father Willie Doyle - one of our key spiritual guides - and some comments on these remarks from the website devoted to Father Doyle's canonization (which we have, and can continue to highly recommend as part of a daily spiritual regimen).

First, Father Doyle's words:

St. Peter Claver was one of those generous heroic souls whom God sends upon this earth to serve as a stimulus to our zeal, to urge us on to dare and do great things for His glory. Alone he stood upon the beach of that reeking haunt of sin, Cartagena, and saw the galley-ship vomit forth its human living burden of slaves. He saw these poor wretches dazed with their long confinement, sick in body and weary of soul, cast on the burning sand, their eyes wild with terror at the vision of the nameless death they thought awaited them. Here was scope for his zeal. Was not the image of Jesus stamped deep upon the souls of each of them? Did they not bear the likeness of the sacred Humanity in their tortured limbs? Was this goodly harvest to be left ungathered and hell alone to reap the fruit of man’s cupidity?

Here's the commentary: 

COMMENT: St Peter Claver SJ lived a remarkable life. He was a slave to the slaves who were captured and brought to Cartagena. He looked after their temporal and spiritual needs, catechising and baptising up to 300,000, and defended their rights and welfare when occasion arose. Normally a third or more of the slaves who were brought to Cartagena died en route from disease and ill treatment. Numerous contemporary accounts report that the smell of the diseased slaves who arrived on the slave ships was overwhelming, and practically nobody else was physically able enter their cramped, sweltering huts where they were left to die. But Peter Claver braved the disease and the horrors and often fed and washed to the sick and dying, and could often be found burying the dead himself. One biographer said that Peter Claver encompassed in one life the missionary zeal of St Francis Xavier, the dedication to the confessional of St John Vianney and the care for the sick and the lepers of St Damien of Molokai. Pope Leo XIII, who canonised St Peter, said that no other life, except the life of Christ, had as much impact on him personally.

From today’s quote it is clear that Fr Doyle had much regard for this great Jesuit saint. Indeed, in their spiritual lives and in their heroic service of others they had much in common.

What else is there to say? Father Claver worked this way for decades - until the day he died. Each of us can gain much by simply contemplating these words and spending a little time comparing the difficulties and challenges we face in our work each day. 

St. Peter Claver, pray for us.


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