Being Bold and Obstinate On This 10th Sunday after Pentecost

We're going to look at some uplifting words that will encourage us to be bold and obstinate in our spiritual life on this 10th Sunday after Pentecost. It's as bracing as jumping into water that's a bit chilly on a hot summer day. It's also a good example of how some spiritual instruction can be invigorating and creative.

Right off the bat, our writer calls on us to bury ourselves in our own nothingness. If you've never considered your nothingness, this passage will give you a good start in that endeavor. It is, after all, quite essential to our relationship with God. We are nothing; He is everything.

No, it's not "negative thinking." If the idea seems like it would bruise your ego, then it's time to put ego in its rightful place - out the door. Just read these words carefully and all this will make sense: 

“Bury yourself profoundly in the abyss of your nothingness. Try to realize the full extent of your unsightliness in the eyes of the infinitely pure God, then lifting up your heart with the confidence and temerity of a little child, say: ‘Jesus! I am only a child in the spiritual life, but I want to love You as the great saints have loved You. By the strength of my love, I long to occupy a place one day among the greatest of saints in Paradise. I will repeat this prayer unceasingly to You, I will attach myself to it so obstinately and cling to it with so audacious a confidence, that I will force You to work prodigies in me.’ We shall see in eternity who is the stronger: Jesus, the all-powerful, or His wretched little creature! ‘If after all, You do not sanctify me, it will be said in heaven that a simple and trustful soul has been disappointed in its hopes. No, Jesus! You would not bear such confusion as this before Your angels and saints!’     Entrench yourself on these heights of confidence. Ask Jesus constantly to maintain in your soul the desire for holiness; ask Him to take from you all trust in yourself; then, let the worldly-wise say what they will or be shocked by this childlike boldness. But remember this: heaven and earth shall perish, rather than the word of Your beloved Jesus should cease to be effective. ‘Amen, Amen, I say to you: if you ask the Father anything in My Name, He will give it you.’ (Jn. 15:13)    

"Saturate the whole work of your perfection with these sentiments of absolute confidence in God, and entire diffidence in self. And above all, in your spiritual life, act rather from love than fear. Love dilates the heart and stimulates energy; fear narrows and paralyses the heart. Love engenders confidence and peace; fear begets trouble and agitation. If your eyes are constantly fixed on self and its miseries, fear will invade your heart; if you turn them on Jesus, Who is ever good and powerful, love will take possession of it. Allow yourself to be drawn by Jesus; do not permit fear or distrust to trouble your soul. Stifle at once all disquieting thoughts, all depressing ideas, and every sentiment of sadness or discouragement. These things are the fruits of the forbidden tree. ‘Perfect love casts out fear.’ (Jn. I. 4:18)” (Fr. Joseph Schryvers, C.SS.R.)

What a contrast to the typical "self-esteem" baloney that inundates so many of us. Constantly puffing ourselves up is basically the opposite of what we're being taught here. Ideally you understand why with a careful reading along with comprehension of Fr. Schryvers words.

If not sure if seeing our nothingness is "healthy," a suggestion: This sort of thinking springs from the view that we're emotional delicacies and can't stand facing the reality that we really are nothing compared to God. The good side of realizing the fundamental reality of our nothingness is that we turn to God. But turning to God comes with the understanding that God loves us so much that we can have total confidence in Him. 

Absolute confidence in God trumps absolute confidence in self - every time. We need to learn this. Only then can we "Stifle at once all disquieting thoughts, all depressing ideas, and every sentiment of sadness or discouragement." Having had my share of all of these, I can attest to the truth and importance of Father's wisdom.

Happy Sunday!


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