Two Resolutions to Keep Order and Peace in Our Work Life
Today we consider two resolutions to keep order and peace in our work life.
This won't be the first time we've referenced these two resolutions to help us remain calm and at peace in our work life. But we haven't talked about this for quite a while. That's one reason we're circling back to this. The second reason: It connects seamlessly with our recent efforts to bolster peace, calm, and stability in the workplace.
Here we go.
1. I will always take more time than is necessary to do everything. This is the way to avoid being in a hurry and getting excited.
2. Since I will invariably have more things to do than time in which to do them, and this prospect preoccupies me and gets me all worked up, I will cease to think about all I have to do, and only consider the time I have at my disposal. I will make use of that time, without losing a moment of it, beginning with the most important duties; and as regards those that may or may not get done, I shall not worry about them.
Interesting side bar - and a warning:
I shared these with another extremely busy person when I first "discovered" them. My thought at the time: Perhaps they would find this helpful in managing their own weighty schedule each day. But that's not what happened.
The initial reaction was one of a skeptical eye roll. It came across (to them) as either unrealistic or a way to slack off from the relentless demands of a busy work schedule, maybe even a manifestation of laziness. I did try to counter this, but my efforts were at best clumsy. So much for that.
So be forewarned if you decide to share these with anyone.
Back to the resolutions:
They are neither unrealistic nor a sign of laxity or laziness. In fact, they ultimately can - if you give them a chance - increase your productivity while reducing levels of stress. If you understand the importance of keeping calm and approaching your work from a core of inner peace, you may grasp how brilliant these simple resolutions really are.
We mentioned already that it's been a while since we talked about these resolutions. So that means we've had ample time to report back to you about how well they work. Add to this that every morning without fail - and it's been well over a year - we read these and so resolve as we begin each work day. Let's consider each resolution in turn.
1. I will always take more time than is necessary to do everything. This is the way to avoid being in a hurry and getting excited.
I used to over-schedule my work days. My thinking was that packing the day with things to do, I'd be somehow forced to get more done. As the owner of a business with no employees, there's always a waterfall worth of stuff that needs doing. So I was a bit reluctant to follow #1. But I forced myself to do so. Otherwise, how would I know whether this works or not, right?
It works. By not hurrying and getting excited, I'm able to attend to my tasks with more exclusive focus. I'm not constantly checking my schedule to see the built up flood of tasks awaiting attention. And giving the task at hand full attention results in getting that task done quicker and better. If you haven't tried this, at this point you have to take my word. But if you do try it do so for at least a few weeks, better yet months.
Taking more than sufficient time to complete every task also leaves you with "breathing room" to pivot during a busy work day if something lands on your plate that's needs immediate attention - no questions asked. As a small business owner, these come up more than when I was an employee, but I suspect we all get these from time to time. I've never handled them better than since I began following resolution #1 with no exceptions.
It will take some practice, and lots of discipline to stick with this resolution. It took me months and months to really nail this down. But now that it's fully nailed, I'd never go back to the hurried and excited way I did things in the past.
We'll consider Resolution #2 next time...
For now, our Lenten post-script prayer:
We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee