The Final Few Things That Need Doing Before Christmas

With Christmas now only a few days away, simplicity will be the rule. Those items that need attending at work must be done; but we don't want to over do it. We don't need to. If we're well-organized, we know that what must be done will get done. What doesn't need doing in these final hours of work, well, we'll just be sure we get to in due time. And at this point, due time means in the New Year. 

This kind of falls under the general principle that less is more. Following this principle has become part of the basics that guide my decision-making from day to day in running my business. And today will benefit greatly from following this basic principle.

Indeed, I applied the same lesson to my spiritual preparation this Advent. Rather than pile on special prayers, devotions, mortifications, etc., I concentrated on a few items, mixing simplicity with some challenge. A good example this year: my sometimes practice of praying the aspiration Divine Infant of Bethlehem, come and take birth in our hearts - one time for every year since Our Lord's birth. I've found this a beneficial practice many times in the past. But this year, for various reasons, I decided not to concentrate on the number of repetitions. I prayed the aspiration, but just didn't obsess over hitting some numerical goal. 

Liberty of spirit, an important element of St. Benedict's spirituality, expressed at times in his Rule, ruled the day.

There were other items beside this one, and a couple were, as it turned out, stretches. But spiritual stretch can lead to a good result, just as physical stretch will when we exercise. Of course, as with exercise, don't overdo it. And, yes, you can injure yourself if you take your spiritual exercises to excess. (Hence forgoing the project of hitting a couple of thousand aspirations.)

Identifying and practicing those simple yet challenging special spiritual practices has really helped not only prepare, but also clear the mind and heart. Among other things, we can more clearly see those precious images of the Birth of Our Lord: Bethlehem, the Star, Mary, Joseph and the Baby in the Manger.

And so as Advent 2022 draws to a close, all thanks be to God for the graces He bestowed on us during this Holy Season of preparation. As it always does, Christmas Eve has come so quickly! It's time to put aside our work and turn to Bethlehem, the Star, Mary, Joseph and the Baby in the Manger. If you remember that less is more, that city, that star and that Holy Family will be more than enough to make this a joyous and peaceful Christmas.

Divine Infant of Bethlehem, come and take birth in our hearts!



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