A Sunday Thought Now That Summer's Unofficially Over
Last week's Labor Day weekend was the "unofficial" end of summer. How so? Well, I think the idea goes back to saner days when the fall semester for most schools began after Labor Day. Remember that?
Summer vacation began in June. Return to school happened after Labor Day. At least that's how I grew up.
I had an interesting bit of correspondence with a client on this subject. I wished him a good last week of summer for the week before Labor Day. His response makes sense if you know that his wife works for a secondary school: "(The wife) starts work on Monday (of the week before Labor Day). School starting before Labor Day is blasphemy!!?"
Blasphemy? It seems he grew up as I did.
While calling Labor day the unofficial end of summer may have lost its moorings, most of us still think of it that way. And unless we're still students, we've likely worked for most of the summer. Still, summer - especially the last two weeks of August, still brings a bit of easing up to the work day. Sure, we're getting up on time and getting down to business as usual. But there can be a lack of urgency, a bit less pressure, maybe even some time to take a deep breath or even daydream a bit.
But with Labor Day behind us, many of us likely have switched from summer mode to our normal setting. The demands of the business day pick up. For me, clients who might have put off engaging, especially during those waning summer days, are back in the saddle. They're looking to pick up where things left off last time.
And if you're work pace is similar to mine, it won't be long before we're approaching Thanksgiving, then Christmas, the two major landmarks that remind us the year is just about over.
For any business that sets objectives, this could mean a year-end crunch. For professionals whose work involves having certain plans and documents in place before year-end, September serves as the time to carefully plan your time so that your not running around like a chicken without a head the few weeks before Christmas.
As the work pot slowly begins to boil, Sunday can serve as an even more welcome respite than it did during possibly less hectic summer months. Whether it's rest or recreation you prefer, Sundays can be the day that serves R&R best.
While not wanting to squash the Sunday respite at all, let's remember that it's the Lord's Day. And, as we have in recent Sunday posts, that means carving out more than just the Sunday Mass slice for time with God.
There's our reminder.
In case you haven't taken out your spiritual carving knife on this first Sunday after the unofficial end of summer, here's something short and sweet to grab your attention. It may even help fire up a few neurons of religious thinking and sentiment - which, after all, makes a whole heckuva lot of sense for a Sunday.
No need for any commentary...
Perfect Trust
“Oh, for the peace of a perfect trust,
My loving God, in Thee;
Unwavering faith, that never doubts
Thou choosest best for me.
Best, though my plans be all upset;
Best, though the way be rough;
Best, though my earthly store be scant;
In Thee I have enough.
Best, though my health and strength be gone,
Though weary days be mine,
Shut out from much that others have;
Not my will, Lord, but Thine.
And e’en though disappointments come,
They too are best for me;
To wean me from this changing world,
And lead me nearer Thee.
Oh, for the peace of a perfect trust
That looks away from all;
That sees Thy hand in everything,
In great events and small;
That hears Thy voice – a Father’s voice –
Directing for the best,
Oh, for the peace of a perfect trust,
A heart with Thee at rest.”
(Author unknown)
Happy Sunday!