A Sunday Thought About What "They" Are Really Trying to Do to Us and Our Church
It's time to consider what "they" are really trying to do to us. Who are "they"? Our leaders, secular and religious.
Our secular leaders continue to ram mandates down our throats, trying to force all of us to get injected. Even if you've been jabbed, even if you think it might be good if lots of us, even all of us, got jabbed, don't you think it wrong to use force in the matter? No? FAIL: It is wrong. More so, don't you wonder why "they" are so determined to force this on everyone? You should wonder.
Our religious leaders - for the most part - go along with all this. But why be surprised? They've been in the business of imposing their wills on us for decades, with seemingly little consideration for whether their wills conform with God's Will. At least that's how it appears from my spiritual perch. Here's the view from that perch:
First, they came up with a whole "new" way for us to practice our Catholic religion. In the process, they cast aside centuries of traditions that served "the people of God" through any and all conceivable difficulties, temptations, and suffering. Consider that those traditions traced their roots directly back to Jesus Christ and the Church He founded whilst He still walked amongst us. Of course, that didn't ensure perfection in all our bishops, priests, religious, and lay people. After we - all of us - are creatures subject to the imperfections of a fallen human nature. And our behavior all too often shows it. But the traditions were not the cause of the problems. It was us.
So over time, various reforms were initiated and incorporated into our traditions. Apparently a slow, careful, selective approach wasn't good enough for our current batch of Pooh-bahs. Instead of organic, rational, incremental reform - which the Church has always accepted - this crew demanded wholesale sudden, radical change. And "demand" is not too strong a term here. We were told we had to chuck the old and accept the new - all the newfangled liturgy and customs imposed from above by a core of elite leaders who know better than the rest of us. And, as is true with elites of most every stripe, they demand compliance and think nothing of imposing their will on others to assure it.
The latest manifestation of this imposition, this forcing, of their wills: Traditiones Custodes. Okay, so it's the handiwork of Papa Francesco. But many of our leaders march in lockstep with what appears to be an inordinate urge to gut the traditional liturgy once and for all. As with the jab mandates pushed by our secular leaders, it's only natural to wonder why they are so determined to impose this latest demand, on top of all the other changes initiated for now over half a century?
If you have some time today, why not spend some of it considering what these "leaders" are up to? After all, Sunday brings a respite from work for most of us - or at least it should. Remember, this Day of Rest was ordained by Our Lord. If you're in the habit of filling this precious time with prayer, meditation, and study, have at it. But consider adding some additional time beyond that devoted to strictly spiritual works. (Don't short-cut those precious spiritual minutes.)
As you may suspect, I've spent some time contemplating these issues. And while I don't have anything close to brilliant or definitive answers, here's one thought: It comes down to control.
When this C-Virus Mess began in 2020, there were a few quick-minded hearty souls who saw a connection between the unfolding events that led to massive lock-downs and the goals of the so-called "Great Reset." If you've not heard of, or taken the time to understand the Great Reset and those promoting it, that might a good place to start answering "why" we're being subjected to an increasing, seemingly never-ending series of arm-twisting demands. While I did get up to speed on the Great Reset early on, I wondered whether it might be the driving force behind the whole Mess. Had the demands not been ramped up to the current level of madness, I might still be wondering.
With the puzzle pieces now falling into place regarding the Mess and the Great Reset, let's turn from our secular to our religious leaders. Despite their history of bullying, it remains a bit of a mystery why they so readily cooperate with every lock down, all the ongoing "vaccine" recommendations (initial jab, boosters, etc.), mandates for masks, distancing, passports, closing the churches...and on and on. Are they "in" on the Great Reset? Or is this just an extension of their imperious habit of imposing their will on all who would dare to resist their obviously flawed and failed efforts to "modernize" our Holy Catholic Church?
I'm fairly settled on what the secular leaders of our governments - federal and local - and their web of bureaucracies are trying to do to us. As for what our Church leaders are trying to do to us, it's all still settling in.
If all such considerations upset in any way your time with Our Lord, don't let them. Stick with Our Lord in whatever spiritual exercises you turn to on Sunday. No need to obsess on all this. The truth will come out in time.
Happy Sunday!