This Sunday Brings Us Two Passages from Scirpture to Help Us Weather the Growing Storm From This C-Virus Mess
A consistent theme of our Sunday posts has been how we can take advantage of the respite provided by The Lord's Day, or Day of Rest. We've found great opportunities for us to build and strengthen our spiritual life, ultimately to grow closer to Our Lord.
In more recent recent Sunday posts, we've included discussions of the impact of the C-Virus Mess that began in March 2020. Beginning with the draconian lock-downs, we've posted many thoughts about how best to respond in order to keep our personal and spiritual lives calm and productive. And now that mandates and passports have ramped up the Mess to a new level, we thought it would be good to re-focus on this.
In that spirit, we turn today to two passages from Scripture that will strengthen us, physically, mentally, and - most importantly - spiritually in the face of the continuing onslaught of lies, forced compliance, as well as threats, and bullying coming from our government and - sadly but not surprisingly - our Church leaders.
While there remains a real physical threat to some of us from the actual virus, I suspect many if not most of us have been subjected to various assaults to our emotional and spiritual well-being. The following Scripture passages can help us counter, quell, and control this relentless buffeting, this Sunday we cite two passages from Scripture. Each passage provides clear recommendations that should bolster our emotional and spiritual immune systems. You may find each to be far more effective than the vaccines purported to protect our bodies.
First, in Jeremiah 15: 19-21, we find Our Lord speaking encouraging words to his prophet. Jeremiah faces a world turned against the Lord and His Commandments. As happens over and over in the history of the Israelites, despite God having brought them to the Promised Land, despite His having given them specific Commandments to help them live good and holy lives, they sometimes ignore and, worse, actively reject God. In some cases, not only does their depraved conduct display this, but they also take up the worship of false gods.
In the face of this Jeremiah tries to call his people back to the Lord, but they reject his entreaties. Here God gives his prophet instructions on how to deal with his wicked countrymen. If Jeremiah will stay the course, ultimately God will stand by him and deliver him from those who would drag him into what will become their hellish pit, no matter the strength of his enemies.
"...thus saith the Lord: If thou wilt be converted, I will convert thee, and thou shalt stand before my face; and if thou wilt separate the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth: they shall be turned to thee, and thou shalt not be turned to them. [20] And I will make thee to this people as a strong wall of brass: and they shall fight against thee, and shall not prevail: for I am with thee to save thee, and to deliver thee, saith the Lord.
[21] And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the mighty."
While none of us is a prophet like Jeremiah, we Catholics may be stuck facing individuals and institutions who cause us harm. Think of the consequences of the policies and decisions of powerful people who pressure folks to take experimental injections or face exclusion from public venues and social events, "shaming," etc.. And that's just from our C-Virus Mess. Add to this a whole list of nonsense and outright evil promoted and pandered by forces inimical to God and His Church. Think: educational institutions from pre-school through college; major media and entertainment, laws and regulations that permit and promote all sorts of perversion, even murder of innocents; language and behavior that within the memory of some of us would be not only unacceptable, but, in some cases, illegal, punishable by law.