Working Perfectly According to God's Will

Having abandoned imaging a perfect job last time, today let's consider whether it's more reasonable to imagine being the "perfect" employee or business owner. Here we shift from looking for something perfect to do to doing something perfectly. The former may be a pipe dream. That latter, though, can be a legitimate and good aspiration.

After all, if we're working for the greater glory of God each day, shouldn't we begin by doing all we can perfectly? Having a perfect job isn't within our control, for the most part. But being perfect in our work is. 

But wait. It might be better if we take the emphasis off us being perfect in our work. If we put much emphasis on us, then we run the danger of our work being for the greater glory of us, rather than the greater glory of God. So let's adjust our thinking. One way to think of this would be to strive to do our work perfectly according to God's Will. Let's see why this distinction is so important.

Striving for perfection isn't something that happens easily. It takes diligence and persistence. In my own work, perfection comes only with long and hard nose-to-the-grindstone effort. Simply put, I have to work a long time, and work very hard, before something perfect emerges.

Now, to be fair, there are some times when I can handle a problem perfectly without the long and hard part. But that's only because in the past I'd worked long and hard to address similar problems. Over time, you get your experience and your knowledge honed to the point where you can call on them when you need them, and they respond quickly and with urgency. It may seem to others like you've provided a perfect solution to their problem in a flash, but you know what's gone on behind the scenes.

But whether your striving for perfection takes the long and hard road, or you occasionally find a short-cut that gets you to that perfect solution, you still want to remember that distinction between personal perfection, or working perfectly according to God's Will. 

When I put the emphasis on working perfectly according to God's Will, it takes my mind off me. Focusing on myself is that last thing I need. That comes all too naturally. And it results in being self-centered. Not good.

When I put the emphasis on God, with His grace I'm no longer the center of attraction.

Imagine if we could do this each day: Think only of pleasing Our Father in Heaven.

We this in mind, we again turn to Father Willie Doyle, as we did last time. If we're working perfectly according to God's Will, we will have fully incorporated our work into our spiritual life. Our work not only will address the pressing needs of this world, but it will help us grow closer to Our Lord, day by day - which will take us, with God's grace, to our eternal reward.

Not only that, but such an approach to our work each day will serve to further God's Plan in the face of a world that frequently functions as if it's trying to oppose His Will. 

Back to Father Willie: Note that he wrote these words in the early part of the 20th century, before World War I. If we think the world is off kilter today, when it comes to God, it would seem that's just how it was even then, over 100 years ago.

"I think it is evident that, in these days of awful sin and hatred of God, our Blessed Lord wants to gather round Him a legion of chosen souls who will be devoted, heart and soul, to Him and His interests, and upon whom He may always count for help and consolation. Souls who will not ask “How much must I do?” but rather “How much can I do for His love?” A legion of souls who will give and not count the cost, whose only pain will be that they cannot do more and give more and suffer more for Him who has done so much for them. In a word souls who are not as the rest of men, fools perhaps in the eyes of the world, for their watchword is sacrifice and not self-comfort."

Can you see how Father's words expand on working perfectly according God's Will? Father connects our daily efforts to our love of God. And when we do that, we join with those around us who similarly love God. The world could not help being vastly improved by such a "legion of souls." 

I'm inspired to want to be a part of such a legion. How about you? If so, let's join up right now.


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