Some Words to Charge Up Our Spiritual Batteries in the Midst of a Busy Work Day

A couple of weeks ago we talked about some folks who decidedly had tough jobs - such that our own work might not seem so tough. They labored in the midst of the heat and humidity that becomes more strong and steady this time of year where we live.

We concluded our talk with a brief mention of how it's sometimes hard to keep our spiritual life alive and kicking in the midst of a busy day at work:

It's like those times when I'm struggling to keep up my prayers and other devotions in the midst of a busy day. If I picture Jesus carrying His Cross, suffering and dying for me, it does help me to get on with my commitment to my spiritual life.

Since then, I came across something written by Father Willie Doyle that powerfully expands on this. I found it helped charge up my spiritual batteries. And I can use charging when my work becomes all-consuming. At such times, work takes over to the extent it almost shoves God to the back of the line. 

Of course, being charged up doesn't mean dropping what we're doing and letting our work fester. If the task's important, it must be done. But the good news is there's no need to ignore our work in order to pray. Our work itself can be our prayer. It's just that we've got to offer it to God as such. We can do this by a simple act of will. A quick aspiration will do the trick: "I offer my work to You, Lord." It's really that simple.

Or, if you remember from last week, we referenced the use of "AMDG" to sanctify our work. We can begin the day, or just a task, "Ad maiorem Dei gloriam": For the greater glory of God. When I write out my weekly Task List (which I do at the end of each work week for the next week), AMDG sits at the top of the clean sheet of paper that I write on.

Now, let's read Father's words slowly, attentively, prayerfully. If we do that, it will help to make Jesus present, here and now, no matter how engaged we might be with our work. His Presence will surround us, inform and enlighten our every thought, word and deed.

Jesus is the most loving of lovable friends there never was a friend like Him before, there never can be one to equal Him, because there is only one Jesus in the whole wide world and the vast expanse of Heaven; and that sweet and loving friend, that true lover of the holiest and purest love is my Jesus, mine alone and all mine. Every fibre of His divine nature is thrilling with love for me, every beat of His gentle Heart is a throb of intense affection for me, His sacred arms are round me, He draws me to His breast, He bends down with infinite tenderness over me, His child, for He knows I am all His and He is all mine.

O Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! who would not love You, who would not give their heart’s blood for You, if only once they realised the depth and the breadth and the realness of Your burning love? Why not then make every human heart a burning furnace of love for You, so that sin would become an impossibility, sacrifice a pleasure and a joy, virtue the longing of every soul, so that we should live for love, dream of love, breathe Your love, and at last die of a broken heart of love, pierced through and through with the shaft of love, the sweetest gift of God to man.
(Father William Doyle, 1873-1917)

Whew! Talk about charging up our spiritual batteries!

With these words filling our hearts and minds, settling deep in our souls, how can we not go about our business honoring Him, working for His greater glory? How can our efforts not be a great prayer of thanksgiving to Him, for all He has done, all He now does for us?

A simple prayer: Jesus, come and stay with us. Make your Presence known during even the busiest moments of the work day. Sanctify our work that our work may sanctify our souls. If You do this, who can doubt that one day we will be united to You forever?

With this simple prayer, it's time to get to work.


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