Using "Fresh Eyes" As I Get Back to Work
Returned from a week away - a vacation week, the first in two years. The Mess kept us home last year. So now it's been a day already back at work.
While I didn't completely sever from all work last week (owning a small business makes that tough), I did make the effort to minimize engagement. Fortunately, over time, I've managed to get the business running such that I don't have to hover over it like a helicopter parent. And the separation from the relentless flow of tasks did provide a needed respite.
The sort-of separation I managed did provide enough space to let me use "fresh eyes" as I absorbed the news that always inevitably flow through websites and emails and family. So I've been able to use those fresh eyes to survey the world as I returned to the office on Monday.
Here are a few items that stand out related to work, compliment of these eyes newly refreshed:
Bitcoin and other crypto currencies (we'll call them all virtual currencies going forward) seem to be getting more publicity and promotion than ever. We'll have more to say about how this may impact our businesses and our personal lives next time.
Biden's "great successes" in his recent overseas travels fill in the cracks of much media reporting. It's all good - at least that's how MSM reports things. Of course, the alt-media's counter-weight doesn't worship Old Man Joe and so sees things differently. Thus you'll find videos revealing a Biden whose bumbling and gaffs would have had the MSM screaming were it Trump instead of Biden. This sort of stuff isn't going to disappear. But it's been amped up recently. So just as we took the Trump-bashing with a grain of salt, so we need to take the Biden worship. In the end we're looking for the policies these Princes of Power will push that may effect our businesses and our lives.
Hints of trouble in Jab City with reported deaths from the various brands now exceeding all deaths from all vaccines in the last 20 years according to one source. While I haven't checked the numbers, they can easily be checked by anyone who might think this is exaggerated or inaccurate. I haven't seen anything questioning this so far. Remember too that these are reported incidents. There could be incidents that remain unreported.
While Bitcoin and Biden do and will impact our work and personal lives in ways we may not have completely anticipated, so far they're in the category of stuff we can and will deal with in some way, shape, or form. But the third item's got me a bit rattled.
While not to a degree that's thoroughly distracting me as I sit at my "work bench" this morning, the Jab issues do create a high level of concern, even a touch of anxiety. So there's a bit of a struggle going on as I work my way through my return-from-vacation task list. The struggle consists of staying disciplined enough to get quality work done on time vs. the inevitable ruminations that come when you're loved ones may be impacted in unpleasant ways - or worse.
The fact that many of our loved ones have been jabbed already creates the concern. I'm praying the increased numbers of deaths from jabs already administered don't portend problems down the road. Yes, I've read and watched comments from doctors and scientists who question the wisdom of the mass administration of these jabs. I've read some of the opinions that not only question the wisdom of mass administration but flatly state that those jabbed may face threats to their physical well-being in the future.
Question: Are these opinions wrong, exaggerated, crazy? Am I heading down some rabbit hole by taking them seriously? Of course, I could just ignore these folks. But, again, loved ones have been jabbed. And like all other potential threats to their physical or spiritual well-being, I'm concerned - and more than concerned.
If you share these concerns, and you're trying to keep your mind on your work as these potential threats disrupt your concentration, what's to be done? Ignoring them won't work - at least for me. I've already tried passing on some of the concerns from those opposing scientists and doctors as loved ones lined up to be jabbed. Do I just think I've done all I can and leave it at that? I don't think so.
Despite my past efforts, the deed's been done in many cases. And the issue is some future reaction or reactions that could prove problematic even deadly. Frankly, I'm not sure what to do at this point. Urge them not to take a booster jab?
It's a serious concern that was building and has now carved out a permanent place in my brain.
Add to this the ramped up "commercials" pounding the idea that you need to get your kids vaccinated. Why? As one such propaganda piece put it, "So they can get back to being kids again" - and this spouted from the mouth a a pediatrician! I won't comment on this. I just hope you consider it in your own way, according to what you know, and pray on it if you have kids. Even if you don't, given that the chances of most kids having adverse affects from the virus are virtually nil. Why would you subject them to the jab?
One more thing: On our recent vacation, in a place where there were many families with children, a certain percentage of these parents walked about mask-less, but their kids - even toddlers - were wearing masks! One can only assume the parents had gotten the jab and were following some protocol that told them to mask their kids.
One last item: On a financial broadcast (I check this briefly from time to time for my work), a segment discussed investment opportunities from future demand for booster shots. Yes, as they say, follow the money. There's gold in them thar COVID hills.
Is it me, or is this truly insanity?
Enough of this for now. Suffice it to say I'll need God's grace to help me concentrate on my work with all these "fresh eyes" items swirling around today.