The Inner Life of the Soul And Our Work During the Easter Season - 2

Today we continue with a wonderful essay from The Inner Life of the Soul, beginning with a reference to an "eighth sacrament."

But spiritual writers tell us likewise of an eighth sacrament, and it is the sacrament of the adorable will of God. Who feeds on that sacrament finds an abiding heaven here below. To do His will is the great thank-offering, the true return, which we can make to the Good Shepherd Who gave His life for us ; and then, in making that offering, He gives us back a sacramental strength and spiritual sweetness that forever fill and fortify the soul.

The Easter Season fills us with the fruits of Our Lord's Passion and Death. His Resurrection has shown us that good souls will live forever with Him in Heaven. We're reminded here that one who desires Heaven follows God's Will. To do so can serve as a thanksgiving offering to Our Lord for the salvation He attained for us in His Sacrifice on the Cross. In exchange, He will give us the strength and fortitude we need to live and work as authentic Catholics.

But it's important, even during this most joyous Season, to continue to embrace the crosses God sends us every day, especially the little ones. My own work offers a steady diet of these. Running a one-man shop means that the buck stops HERE - along with virtually every penny, nickel, dime and quarter. Even with the contract labor whose expertise we employ to augment our operations, at the end of the day - literally - little bits and pieces of work remain that need quick attention and action. And while some days this is no big deal, others find me a bit flustered at having to extend my hours. But, with God's grace, I accept these as the little crosses that they are. 

Then there are crosses that aren't so little: 

You suffer? We all must suffer. You toil? It is the lot of fallen man. You see before you possible disgrace, a humiliation that blinds your eyes with tears, and sends the hot blood to your brow ? I envy you — for you drink of the very cup Christ drank of, and you walk on the royal road in the footsteps of your King. Do you truly wish to know what return you may make to Him Who first bore your shame, your sufferings, — yes, and far harder yet, your sins, — in His own body on the tree ? It is this first, this last, this everywhere, — and without this offering all others, however magnificent and great in men’s eyes, count for little : — to do God's will, and to suffer God’s will, in perfect peace, with Him.

While most of our work days may not bring those bigger crosses, some do. Suffering comes in many forms. Sometimes it's simply the work we must do on days where we're exhausted, injured, or sick. Our author lists disgrace and humiliation as well. Humiliation has certainly crossed my path on the job at times. One particular instance: A boss who had given little in the way of specific expectations for my position gave me a rather dismal review. Fortunately, I soon had a new boss. And with expectations duly set, I was able to provide work that was valuable to the company was recognized as such. I don't remember whether that particular humiliation resulted in my suffering being recognized as God's will. Perhaps I squandered the opportunity.

Whether or not any of us has duly united our crosses with our Lord's Cross in the past, we can do so now. The Resurrection should be enough reason for us to not only remember to do this, but cause us to do so lovingly, even if we lack a degree of enthusiasm. In any event, we can make our good intentions known to Our Lord. He will provide the strength required to overcome any obstacle that may arise form our fallen human nature. 

In the strength of God, — for without His grace we are utter weakness, and worse still than that, — in the strength of God lift up your eyes, and gaze with grave and steadfast calmness, unshrinking, on the sharp cross, or the monoto- nous daily work, or the on-coming shame, or the difficult vocation, that may lie before you. It is the will of God. 

We can never remind ourselves enough that what happens to us - both good and bad - ultimately expresses God's Will for us.

Clasp that cross to your bosom, perform that work in His presence, drink that bitter cup to its very dregs with Him, follow the path when He calls you. 

Rather than run or even shrink away from our crosses, we will find them the firm cobblestones on the sure road to Heaven.

One day you will be aware of a divine strength ; you will cry : “ All this is but a great spiritual communion with Him Who loved me and saved me ! ” You will know that you are living heaven’s life on earth, in the power of that great sacrament of the adorable will of God !

Our Easter Season at work can help us come to this realization. Would that Our Lord grant this great blessing to us all!

Happy Easter!



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