A Benefit of a Good Start with Lent at Work
Our last post reviewed the foundation we need to give us a good start with Lent at work. Our spiritual discipline builds that foundation. While each of us may have different building blocks, one of those blocks could be - maybe should be - regular reading of Holy Scripture. Since it's one of mine, I can pass on an example of how a solid foundation will help us get a good start with Lent at work.
This example comes from regular reading of the Psalms as part of my regular reading/study/meditation on Holy Scripture. Psalm 127 builds on the truth that the fear of God is way to happiness.
Now, the fear of God doesn't mean we cower in the corner dreading the gaze of God. It's more like giving God His due - God Almighty, that is. An Almighty God isn't like any other person or thing we encounter. We can admire, respect, like, love other creatures, even parts of creation. But when it comes to the Creator, God Almighty, something different becomes essential. We need a supreme degree of deference, obedience, regard, respect, love, cooperation, consideration - and so much more. All should be contained in our daily encounters with our Father, His Son, and Their Holy Spirit. And, yes, anything we can fear from people or unfortunate twists and turns in our lives times a million might scratch the surface of our dread of Judgement by God if we face Him having died with mortal sin not repented, not confessed. In that sense, what we normally understand as "fear" might apply.
Okay, so I'm not a theologian. But I hope you get the point. There's no relationship with God without fear of God, without our placing God on top of and ahead of all else.
Our entire spiritual life will help us to grow closer to God, once we have this fear of God. We will be able to approach the Almighty as His creature. But with fear of God, we can approach Him without being afraid of Him. He will know we know that we are just "a worm and no man," one who understands our unworthiness. He will know we know that if there's anything good in our lives, everything good that comes about as a result of our initiation occurs because of His grace. He will know that we know that anything we do that's not good results from our fallen human nature and our inability to overcome our failings without His grace.
So now we've read Psalm 127 during our morning Scripture reading and we're off to work. As we begin our first task, we understand now at much deeper level why we work, assuming we work for His greater glory. our work will provide us with the necessities of life. And all will be well with us as we bear down under the burdens of a particularly difficult work day.
We who have families know and appreciate the love of our wives and children. They help and support us as much as we help and support them with our labors. We see the beautiful fruit provided by the labors of our spouse. We can't wait to be with our beautiful children. We work first for the greater glory of God, of course. But we work too for them. What possible meaning or value could our work have if it does not first serve God, then serve our families?
Beginning with a healthy fear of God, our work will help us to grow closer to God, to better provide for and love our families. Love for God and our family infuses even the most menial task during the work day with an abundant fertility that spawns greater love.
In time, with such abundant blessings, the blessings of God's love, the blessings of our wonderful family may grow to include the blessing of the children of our children.
Such has been the understanding of those who fear the Lord going all the way back to Adam and Eve, .
Read the words of Psalm 127 and see if the words of the Psalm lead us to what we've just discussed:
Blessed are all they that fear the Lord: that walk in his ways. For thou shalt eat the labours of thy hands: blessed art thou, and it shall be well with thee. Thy wife as a fruitful vine, on the sides of thy house. Thy children as olive plants, round about thy table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. May the Lord bless thee out of Sion: and mayest thou see the good things of Jerusalem all the days of thy life.
And mayest thou see thy children's children, peace upon Israel.
We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee. Because by Thy Holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world.