Working in the Face of Disturbing News - Part 2

Let's continue where we left off last time. Our reference for "disturbing news" were the events in Washington D.C on January 6th. Today, we're rolling the tape back to the morning after.

We've already made the point about needing to attend to the duties of our state of life, even in the face of disturbing news. Sometimes the world swirls around us in ways that can distract and disturb us. But - except in every rare circumstances (one of which we mentioned last time), we can't let ourselves be derailed.

Having said that, it doesn't mean things don't affect us. That's the whole point. They do. Yet we continue to work. Which means what happened did in fact have a palpable impact on my emotions, did engage my thinking. And with that, the next morning, I attended to both my emotions and my intellect, which led to the following reflections. As you'll see, more than the emotions and the thoughts coursing through my body and mind, attending to the soul emerged front and center. I began with a passage from my daily spiritual reading of the previous day. These are the exact words I wrote out...

I trust in Thee completely and have absolute confidence in Thy loving Providence. I give Thee full liberty of disposing of my soul, my body, my health and possessions as Thou Wilt. Grant me Thy grace this day to adhere as perfectly as possible to Thy holy will, to generously fulfill the duties of my state of life, and to carry patiently, for love of Thee, the cares and sufferings that come my way, knowing that these are but splinters from Thy Cross, which Thou bore for love of us. (ref: yesterday’s Notes)

Dear Mother, I begin this day with such thoughts and prayers. And I look to you for the intercession, the counsel, and the consolation which only you can give. On my own, this day would spill great draughts of anxiety, distraction, perhaps even despondency over yesterday’s events in the Capitol and the results of the GA senatorial elections. But with you by my side, with the knowledge of God’s love and mercy, I can face this day, working for the greater glory of God, the welfare of my family, the benefit of my clients and customers, and the common good. 

Mother Mary, I beg for the grace I will need, knowing that only in peace and a deep sense of happiness can I diligently perform the duties of my state of life, care for my wife, my children, my extended family, my friends, my neighbors and, yes, even pray for my enemies, including those who now will taste the power they have ardently sought. You stood by me during the sickness and death of our dearest Steve. Please stand by me now. 

Compared to those days, culminated 2 years and 5 days ago in our Steve’s death, compared to the days that followed, what has happened over these last 24 hours pales in comparison. But it nevertheless finds us now struggling against an emboldened and, likely, strengthened enemy. We cannot allow fear, distress, even disgust to dissuade us from our daily struggle.

Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of Your mother, she whom You gave to us as a mother looking down from Your Cross. Even in a moment of supreme agony, with death closing its grip on Your body, You thought of us, we who were the reason for, the cause of, Your suffering and death. Your Love knew no bounds. And with that boundless Love, You gave us this greatest gift of Your mother. Grant me the grace of a gratitude that manifests itself in following Your law, in loving You and your mother without limit. Grant me, as a prayer every morning, more charity, humility, meekness, patience and cheerfulness that I may be both a strength and a comfort to my family, that I may pour out my daily labor for their welfare, the benefit of those who rely on my skills and experience. Let me not think of or even consider myself.

Without minimizing the impact on mind and body, the soul - our spiritual life - should stand above all else. Our Interior Life - if we have attempted to build and strengthen it - will provide a quiet, secure place to get in touch with God. That's what's going on here.


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