A Sunday Question Put to God and the Church

It's Sunday. Just about ready to get to Mass. Wait, don't want to forget my mask. Without that, I can't attend Mass. Mass with a mask: mandatory.

Given attendance at Mass these days, you can wonder what we need masks for. There's hardly anyone there - even less than before the C-Virus Mess engulfed us. We're separated by 6 feet already. Maybe it's got to do with being indoors, in an enclosed space. We're all spewing all sorts of germs into the air. Some of those might be COVID. And, if so, that could land on someone and...

Well, why speculate. I have no idea. I've got no medical or science background. Besides, so much of what doctors and scientists have said since March 2020 when our churches were locked down seems kind of sketchy; some have proved to be outright nonsense or lies. 

You know what? Let's skip all this. It is what it is. I'm going to our masked Mass anyway. Better to prepare my mind and heart for the Holy Sacrifice. 

If I could, though, and there was someone who would sit and listen, I'd ask what's it all about. What's the thinking behind all this? But who to ask? Our Cardinal has been remote in every way. You might have expected some ongoing "pastoral care" after those initial lock-downs. At least ongoing contact of some sort. Better still, some words of wisdom and inspiration about the importance of the Sacraments and how everything is being done to bring them to us ASAP, in a form that makes sense. (Does confession in the sanctuary, in front of everyone before Saturday anticipated Mass, standing 6 feet apart, with masks on make sense?) 

And what about Holy Communion? In our Diocese, we can't receive on the tongue. How was this presented? Simply put: You can't receive on the tongue! Why? To avoid spreading COVID! What about evidence that Communion in the hand carries risk, maybe not even less than Communion on the tongue? Would a few words acknowledging this have made sense? It would have to those of us who won't take the host in hand, concerned that bits of it might fall to the ground, remain on our hand, etc. We just don't think it's reverent. 

But no. No discussion. No comment beyond those most cursory declarations.

With all that, I guess putting any questions to the Church - at least as represented by our local Diocese - will have to remain stuck in my head. A blank wall isn't very receptive.

So I turn to You, God. Is all this Your will? I think I know that the answer is "Yes." But how can this be?

Did You somehow put this devilish virus out there to cause all this havoc? Is it a punishment of some sort? I've read and heard comments to this effect. We at least have to wonder. One thing we don't have to wonder about: If it's a punishment, then it's for something well-deserved.

Just start with personal sin. Have I or any of us sufficiently made reparation for our sins - all of them, throughout our lives, starting with the age of reason (around 7), extending throughout decades of our lives?

Then there's our country - sticking with these United States. Start with abortion. Need we go any further? Depending on educated estimates, the numbers exceed 50 million since 1972 (Roe v Wade) when abortion was declared "OK." 50 million? Mass murder of Your innocents such as the world has never seen.

And let's not forget contraception. Apparently the vast majority of Catholics contracept - never mind the rest of the world. They stare down your gift of life with a "No thanks. It's not convenient at the moment," or some such thought.

Need we refer You to how we Catholics have actively embraced the world and the flesh - if not the devil himself - rather than live apart from these, as we once purported to do? Trash our traditions - those old ways that aren't "relevant' anymore. No need to get to Mass on Sundays or holy days. Confession? Why bother. Most of us haven't murdered anyone. Adultery? Hey, we're weak, and You're merciful. You understand, right?

Maybe the question about whether this is Your will doesn't need to be asked. Don't we know the answer already?

When will it all end? They say that's coming with the vaccine. We'll see. When it does, can You send Your Holy Spirit to enlighten our shepherds, please? Restore Confession as it's meant to be administered. Restore Communion on the tongue, as it ought to be administered.

Until then, I'm off to Mass on this Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Novus Ordo)/Septuagesima Sunday (TLM). Grant me the grace to put all these thoughts and questions out of my mind. Help me to be present, in Your Presence, and worship You with my attendance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. 

What more can I ask?

Happy Sunday!


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