A Sunday Thought About a Glass Half Full - or Empty

Winter Sundays sometimes switch, like the proverbial glass, between half-full and half-empty. Today' looks like it'll be one of those rare cases of neither one nor the other.

(It does look a bit less than half-full, doesn't it?)

Work's been busy -as usual - but not inordinately so. Personal and family stuff has had its ups and downs - but nothing out of the ordinary. Neighbors have been behaving about as they always do - some good, some not so great.

None of our relatives or friends has been suffering too much. None are facing any earth-shattering crises.

As far as our enemies go, well, fortunately I can't think of any real enemies - setting aside some folks whom we're not crazy about or who aren''t so crazy about us.

If you're having one of those Sundays, what to do on such a day?

Am I really asking that seriously? Hey, it's Sunday! It's the Lord's Day!

OK. you got to Mass. But so what? That's pretty much what we're supposed to do, right? How about some special extra prayers or devotions - especially if you're not in the habit of regular daily prayer and devotions. Same applies to reading Scripture, studying the tenets and teachings of our Holy Catholic Religion. Maybe some spiritual reading (but only if its a good, solid Catholic spiritual work, of course)?

What? You're going to watch football? But that's not the whole day, is it? Sunday dinner? How long does that last? A long Sunday nap?

Look, no one's telling you to spend the entire day in prayer, reading, devotions, study, meditation in addition to your attendance at Mass. But, seriously, unless you're working today (and some of us do, of necessity, work on Sundays), doesn't Sunday provide you with a solid chunk of time to spend with God? - this despite the football, family dinner, nap, and whatever else that typically fills your Sundays.

Okay so you're a weekend warrior. The weekend's your best shot at getting in a good workout.

Any more excuses?

Listen: Our Lord gave His Life that you and I might live in eternal happiness with Him in Heaven. You know that. And maybe you remember that the Catechism teaches us that the whole point of our lives is to know, to love, and to serve Him. How's that going in your life?

If the answer is "not so great," then it's time to seize this Sunday and make the most of it. It's time to know, love, and serve the Lord. Know him better by reading Scripture, studying the teachings of your Holy Catholic Religion. Love Him by attending Mass (which you did, right?), and with prayers and aspirations throughout the day. (If you're not doing this faithfully every day, at least get a start on this winter Sunday.)

Love Him too in your charity towards others. What can you do for someone today? What sacrifice can you make today to make someone else's life better?  A quick example: simply paying attention to a loved one - really paying attention - instead of staring at a screen or walking around with "air buds" in your ears, oblivious to everyone else around you.

Serve Him always, in all things - with every thought, word, and deed. This often gets subsumed into our busy daily lives. But Sunday affords us some respite - or at least it should. If your Sunday is jammed with constant busy-ness, then un-jam it. Stop letting the world, the flesh and the devil jerk you around - even on a Sunday. God Himself gave us the example of resting on the 7th Day. Are we going to simply ignore Divine Example and run around like chickens without heads?

You know the answer. So get cracking.

Aha! Is that a Bible I see in your hands? A solid Catholic spiritual work? Did you just pick up your Catechism and take 10 minutes or so to review, re-learn, or learn for the first time a teaching or teachings of our Catholic Religion - teaching designed to help us know, love and serve God better, that we may someday share in eternal happiness in Heaven?

Are you cheerfully lending a hand to your spouse or child in some effort or endeavor on which they're working? Did you check in with your friend or neighbor who's sick or has some problem of which you are aware and to whom you can lend your ear?

Great work! And with such great work, we pray your reward may be great in Heaven.

Guess what? The glass just filled up!

Happy Sunday!


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