A Sunday Thought to Start the Week Off Right

Not that there's anything inherently wrong with taking "selfies," but they illustrate well a burgeoning narcissism in our world. As a result, the streets of Manhattan, replete with tourists during the summer, become impossible to navigate at times. Every way you turn, people are trying to capture themselves in front of some - at least for them - significant backdrop in the Big Apple.

Maybe selfies are simply the latest manifestation of the me-centered world that our fallen human nature creates for so many of us.

In its entry for this Second Sunday after Pentecost (in the Church's traditional liturgical calendar), The Inner Life of the Soul harkens back to the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It's the perfect antidote to our self-centered world.

Our Lord provided the perfect example of a life completely lacking the self-centered-ness that infects so many of us. The Gospels illustrate this. But what about those first 30 years out of the spotlight of His public life?

"We want to know His Heart, His Sacred Heart."

For this we can turn to Mary.

"She held His beating Heart to her heart; He drew His human life from hers; the lovelight of His eyes first dwelt on her; His first low word - that wondrous word of the eternal Word of God - was spoken in her hearing, and thrilled her with a sweetness beyond all possible songs in heaven..."

"She saw the prophets dreams fulfilled. She knew, by angelic announcement, that the world's Redeemer had come; yet she saw Him regarded by their neighbors as only a Hebrew boy among other boys in lowly Nazareth; and she saw the omnipotent Creator working with plane and chisel at the carpenter's trade. But underneath all, she read His Heart. It was a life of continual prayer and self-oblation, offered to God for souls."

Do we dare to believe it possible for us to live our lives this way - in continual prayer, self-oblation, offered to God for souls? On our own, no. But with God's grace?

Do we pray for this grace? Do we ask Our Blessed Mother - His Mother - to intercede on our behalf in our desire to free ourselves from the self-centered world we've created? If we do this, she will listen. She who heard His voice on earth - and hears it now in Heaven - can hear our voices as well.

But we have to get out of our selves and speak!

"Let us cease thinking what we want, and think what He wants. He wants neither wealth not fame nor worldly success. He wants our love, our loving, faithful, holy hearts...How is it that we can set our minds on lesser things, that must pass  away like smoke, yet we dare to weigh them in the balance with immortal souls and the thirst of Jesus Christ. Alas, I know not. We could help Him - we poor abject beings, could help Almighty God to win souls to His yearning Heart. Is it possible that it shall ever be said of us that we would not? Shall it be said that we went on choosing selfishly to please ourselves, when, of our great Exemplar and our Savior, an apostle, inspired by the Holy Ghost tells us: Christ pleased not Himself."

Christ pleased not Himself! Those words should burn into our hearts and minds.

Let's all ask Our Blessed Mother to help us get over ourselves.

Happy Sunday!


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