Bringing Our Spiritual Life To Work During the Octave of Pentecost
Before the new liturgical calendar was introduced, we had an "Octave" after Pentecost. It's removal from the new calendar was a bad idea. After all, Pentecost remains one of the greatest of all feasts for the Church. Removing the Octave has had the effect of de-emphasizing that fact.
Of course, lots has been de-emphasized - at great loss to us regular Catholics - but we'll set that one aside for now. Instead, we're going to "go back" to the old calendar. Let's all count down: 10-9-8-7...Voila! Here we are in the Octave of Pentecost.
So now what? Well, an Octave elevates us from our every day world to the supernatural world that surrounds us. In its ancient wisdom, the Church has always understood the need to remind us: The supernatural world exists; it's even "more real" than the natural we experience with our senses and our limited brain power. It's important that we keep the supernatural world front and center. It provides us with some continuity between this life and the next. And, of course, our entire reason for being alive is what again? Think. Right: to know, love, and serve God in this world and to be happy with Him forever in Heaven.
So with that in mind, let's take advantage or this Octave of Pentecost. Let's make an extra effort to stay connected to our spiritual life at work. And let's remain recollected in the understanding that doing so we can dip a toe into that eternal life that awaits us.
My morning reading of Scripture brought me to Psalm 103. It's theme: God is to be praised for his mighty works and wonderful providence. It set the tone for this Octave week.
It got me thinking right away of God's "work": all of Creation, including you and me. Right away, it puts my own work into perspective. Not that my work is trivial; not that I shouldn't take it seriously. Not at all. But it's a part of Greater Work. And in that light, my work isn't made smaller, it's, in fact, elevated - elevated to a supernatural level.
In Psalm 103, we speak to God...
Who stretchest out the heaven like a pavilion: Who coverest the higher rooms therof with water. Who makest the clouds thy chariot: who walkest upon the wings of the winds. Who makest thy angels spirits: and they ministers a burning fire. Who has founded the eaerth upon its own bases: it shall not be moved for ever and ever...
Some God we have, eh? It continues...
How great are they works, O Lord? though hast made all things in wisdom: the earth is filled with thy riches. So is this great sea, which stretcheth wide its arms: there are creeping things without number: Creatures little and great...
All of this surrounds us. All of it a great gift from our Creator. And all we need to do to enjoy it all, as it was intended, is to show our love and appreciation. We can do this at work today by attending to every task thoroughly, putting in our best effort, being charitable to those around us, as an example of one who loves God. We can kick it up a notch by exhibiting a humble demeanor, and being patient, even with those who annoy us for whatever reason.
None of this is beyond our capability. Sure, it's not always easy. But that's what God's grace is for: He provides His grace to help us to love Him as we should. It's even better if He helps us to love Him because we want to love Him.
You do want to love God, don't you? Of course you do. You don't have to be a theologian, or the member of a religious order to know how much God loves us all. You just have to wake up and look around.
But if our love of God isn't enough to motivate us to express that love in this way, well, think of the consequences of not loving Him. We'll talk about this more next time.
Of course, lots has been de-emphasized - at great loss to us regular Catholics - but we'll set that one aside for now. Instead, we're going to "go back" to the old calendar. Let's all count down: 10-9-8-7...Voila! Here we are in the Octave of Pentecost.
So now what? Well, an Octave elevates us from our every day world to the supernatural world that surrounds us. In its ancient wisdom, the Church has always understood the need to remind us: The supernatural world exists; it's even "more real" than the natural we experience with our senses and our limited brain power. It's important that we keep the supernatural world front and center. It provides us with some continuity between this life and the next. And, of course, our entire reason for being alive is what again? Think. Right: to know, love, and serve God in this world and to be happy with Him forever in Heaven.
So with that in mind, let's take advantage or this Octave of Pentecost. Let's make an extra effort to stay connected to our spiritual life at work. And let's remain recollected in the understanding that doing so we can dip a toe into that eternal life that awaits us.
My morning reading of Scripture brought me to Psalm 103. It's theme: God is to be praised for his mighty works and wonderful providence. It set the tone for this Octave week.
It got me thinking right away of God's "work": all of Creation, including you and me. Right away, it puts my own work into perspective. Not that my work is trivial; not that I shouldn't take it seriously. Not at all. But it's a part of Greater Work. And in that light, my work isn't made smaller, it's, in fact, elevated - elevated to a supernatural level.
In Psalm 103, we speak to God...
Who stretchest out the heaven like a pavilion: Who coverest the higher rooms therof with water. Who makest the clouds thy chariot: who walkest upon the wings of the winds. Who makest thy angels spirits: and they ministers a burning fire. Who has founded the eaerth upon its own bases: it shall not be moved for ever and ever...
Some God we have, eh? It continues...
How great are they works, O Lord? though hast made all things in wisdom: the earth is filled with thy riches. So is this great sea, which stretcheth wide its arms: there are creeping things without number: Creatures little and great...
All of this surrounds us. All of it a great gift from our Creator. And all we need to do to enjoy it all, as it was intended, is to show our love and appreciation. We can do this at work today by attending to every task thoroughly, putting in our best effort, being charitable to those around us, as an example of one who loves God. We can kick it up a notch by exhibiting a humble demeanor, and being patient, even with those who annoy us for whatever reason.
None of this is beyond our capability. Sure, it's not always easy. But that's what God's grace is for: He provides His grace to help us to love Him as we should. It's even better if He helps us to love Him because we want to love Him.
You do want to love God, don't you? Of course you do. You don't have to be a theologian, or the member of a religious order to know how much God loves us all. You just have to wake up and look around.
But if our love of God isn't enough to motivate us to express that love in this way, well, think of the consequences of not loving Him. We'll talk about this more next time.