Is It a Happy Easter Thursday at Your Work Place?

God's graces continue flowing copiously on this Easter Thursday as our lives switch from the penitential practices of Lent to the joyful celebration of Easter. Let's make it our business to cooperate with His generous gifts when we head to work today. Let's do our best to remember the Resurrection as we start the day, and remain recollected throughout the day. Don't forget some acts of mortification, maybe get to Mass if there's one accessible near your work place. Whatever your situation, at least think of some forms of prayer and sacrifice that will open your heart and soul to the special graces God has in store for us during our glorious Easter Week.

As we discussed last time, we're not who we were when Lent began. Our special prayers, penance, and almsgiving have drawn us closer to God - at least to some degree. Our spiritual lives got a boost. This is no time to let things stagnate or, worse, go backwards.

Of course, there's no denying this could be a challenge. The fact is, we're fighting human nature here. Every day brings a battle between good and evil. And we're frequently stuck in the middle. If it's any consolation, it's always been that way. A good chunk of the Old Testament finds God's people constantly waffling from the good to the bad and back again. His chosen people run to His Arms when difficulty and death knock on the door. He steps in to save them. No sooner do things settle down, and they're back to the old sinners they were. The cycle goes on and on.

If you've developed the practice of regularly reading the Psalms as part of your daily Scripture study, you know that so many of them address this. As it was for the chosen people of the Old Testament, so it remains for us. Despite our best intentions, we sin. We beg God's mercy and forgiveness for our unfaithfulness. We thank Him for His mercy and forgiveness. We beg Him to protect us from our enemies and from sin. He does His part. We thank Him for doing so. Then we sin again.

One of my special practices during Lent was praying the Stations of the Cross. Most times, I used St. Alphonsus Liguori's beautiful meditations on each Station. Over and over, with each Station, he repeats some variation of this:

"I love Thee, my beloved Jesus. I love Thee more than myself. I repent with my whole heart of having offended Three. Never permit me to separate myself from Thee again. Grant that I may love Thee always, and then do with me what Thou wilt."

Even as we leave the penitential season of Lent behind for another year, and work our way through the glory of the Easter Season, St. Alphonsus's words ring true. During Lent, each task, each interaction with co-workers and customers provided us with an opportunity to perform acts of penance in reparation for our offenses. With our penitential spirit we performed those duties we find boring without delay. We offered our best efforts to challenging, especially difficult assignments. We addressed even annoying or exasperating colleagues and customers charitably, perhaps even cheerfully.

Now, during the Easter Season, we forge ahead. We don't back-peddle. To the sacrificial offering of our work each day, we add our gratitude. Thank You, Lord, for Your Resurrection. Thank you for showing us that no matter how difficult our time on earth, no matter how much suffering we may endure, You have prepared for us a life of eternal happiness in Your Holy Presence.

With this spirit of gratitude, sustained by His grace, our sacrifices throughout the day will make this a Happy Easter Thursday at work.

Happy Easter!


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