A Fourth Sunday of Advent Thought To Welcome Christmas Day!
(Re-posted in part from Advent 2015)
This Fourth Sunday of Advent falls on Christmas Eve this year. If you're longing for Christmas, it won't be long now.
How long has it been since you really, REALLY longed for Christmas? You know, the way you did when you were a kid? I've met a few of us adults who've retained some of that eagerness and anticipation. Well, maybe one or two. But for the most part - and I count myself in this latter group - we grown ups tend to let the cares of the day and our lives keep that freshness and eagerness at arms length.
Of course, most kids don't have the sorts of cares we grown ups have. There's a kind of bubble around us when we're tykes that provides some insulation from the world as we eventually come to know it. Not that every kid leads a charmed life, to be sure. But I've seen kids living in pretty awful circumstances, or who were suffering in ways that I certainly never experienced whose eyes still lit up in the presence of any and all things Christmas. There's a lightness and sparkle in those eyes that you don't find in many, if not most, adults.
I suppose there's nothing new in the observation that we adults can be unduly weighed down by the passage of time and the cares and responsibilities that come with it. But at some level weariness and outright sadness oughtn't accompany us this last week of Advent. We've got to do our best to lighten up. Even those of us who've lost loved ones, or may be nursing the sick and dying can find at least a moment's Christmas solace. Perhaps you'll find it as you put the finishing touches on the tree; or in the singular thought of that Baby in the Manger surrounded by Mary, Joseph, the ox and lamb, the shepherds all bathed in the light of that great, mysterious Star of Bethlehem.
Here's an idea: Let's all pray for each other, starting right now, that our hearts are filled with a longing for Christmas. Maybe this exhortation we posted last year will help us in our efforts:
This Fourth Sunday of Advent falls on Christmas Eve this year. If you're longing for Christmas, it won't be long now.
How long has it been since you really, REALLY longed for Christmas? You know, the way you did when you were a kid? I've met a few of us adults who've retained some of that eagerness and anticipation. Well, maybe one or two. But for the most part - and I count myself in this latter group - we grown ups tend to let the cares of the day and our lives keep that freshness and eagerness at arms length.
Of course, most kids don't have the sorts of cares we grown ups have. There's a kind of bubble around us when we're tykes that provides some insulation from the world as we eventually come to know it. Not that every kid leads a charmed life, to be sure. But I've seen kids living in pretty awful circumstances, or who were suffering in ways that I certainly never experienced whose eyes still lit up in the presence of any and all things Christmas. There's a lightness and sparkle in those eyes that you don't find in many, if not most, adults.
I suppose there's nothing new in the observation that we adults can be unduly weighed down by the passage of time and the cares and responsibilities that come with it. But at some level weariness and outright sadness oughtn't accompany us this last week of Advent. We've got to do our best to lighten up. Even those of us who've lost loved ones, or may be nursing the sick and dying can find at least a moment's Christmas solace. Perhaps you'll find it as you put the finishing touches on the tree; or in the singular thought of that Baby in the Manger surrounded by Mary, Joseph, the ox and lamb, the shepherds all bathed in the light of that great, mysterious Star of Bethlehem.
Here's an idea: Let's all pray for each other, starting right now, that our hearts are filled with a longing for Christmas. Maybe this exhortation we posted last year will help us in our efforts:
In whatever ever state of mind and heart you find yourself these last few days of Advent, it's time to put aside any of the anxiety or exhaustion...Keep it simple: Take a deep breath and whatever time you need...turn your eyes to Bethlehem. Look up in the sky and find the Star that will lead you to the manger. Clouds may be hiding it right now, but it's there and it's brightness won't be dimmed for the soul that puts its trust in Our Blessed Lord and His Mother. Remember that in that light 2,000 years ago, we found and continue to find our salvation.Perhaps a silent, serene minute meditating on the wonder of God's love in the person of the Christ Child will restore at least some sense of longing, especially if you remember that He humbled Himself simply because He loves us and wants us all to enjoy eternal happiness with Him. And if you can spare about 4 minutes, here's a tender Christmas love song that might even increase your longing.
Divine Infant of Bethlehem, come and take birth in our hearts!