Happy Thanksgiving!

Another Thanksgiving arrives. As has been our custom for a while now, I'm the chef. So that large turkey sitting in the fridge waiting to be "dressed" for roasting - that's my bird. As for the "fixins" much of that was prepared already, with a few miscellaneous items needing tending.

And as has been the pattern for a while now, one of our loved ones will be working most of the day, as he has on other Thanksgivings. He's got one of those jobs that need doing despite the national holiday. If we're lucky, he may be able to stop by at some point to enjoy the feast. If not, maybe we'll see him tomorrow - Thanksgiving Friday we call it - when family members who've spent Thursday elsewhere make a special trip to visit with us. Yes, it's really a Thanksgiving weekend at our house.

Having worked a few Thanksgivings myself, I know what that's like. Maybe we can all say a prayer of thanksgiving for those who do what needs to be done while the rest of us kick back and enjoy our holiday. And if you're one of those working today, be patient. Keep close to our Lord and the day will be filled with blessings. You'll get home to your loved ones eventually.

While Thanksgiving is basically an American national holiday, a special day to give thanks for the blessing in our lives, we Catholics are used to giving thanks every day. These words from St. Paul in his Letter to the Colossians remind us of that spirit of thanksgiving that marks our daily lives, even without the turkey and trimmings:

As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so live in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

Wishing you all a...

Happy Thanksgiving!


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