A New "Tool" To Bring to Work in 2017
Last year we suggested three ways to approach our daily work. Each, we thought, could improve our results in 2016.
You know that drill. And you know your soul is far more important than any career goal or business initiative. Start this New Year by applying what you know. Use this wonderful tool that God has given to all of us - peace of soul - to start the New Year off right.
Expedite = promptlyNow here's one more for 2017: Peace of Soul. This one's a bit more subtle than those other three; at first blush, perhaps a little less "practical." And for many of us, it may prove elusive. But I think if you read this exhortation by Fr. Jean De Caussade, S.J. (†1751), author of the classic The Spiritual Combat you'll see why it's so critical for us to keep our peace of soul, no matter the difficulties or distractions of the day.
Firmiter = thoroughly
Delectabiliter = joyfully
Think about how these three little words would improve your results at work, never mind at home. Apply them to each and every task you tackle today. Without exception. (Click HERE for more on this.)
“You must remember all your life that one of the principal reasons why certain souls do not advance is because the devil continually throws them into a state of uneasiness, perplexity, and anxiety which makes them incapable of applying themselves seriously, quietly, and with constancy to the practice of virtue. The great principle of the interior life is peace of soul, and it must be preserved with such care that the moment it is attacked all else must be put aside and every effort made to try and regain this holy peace, just as, in an outbreak of fire everything else is neglected to hasten to extinguish the flames. Read, from time to time, the treatise on peace of soul which is found at the end of the little book called ‘The Spiritual Combat,’ and which the ancient fathers very truly called ‘the road to Paradise,’ to make us understand that the high road to heaven is this happy peace of soul. The reason for this is that peace and tranquility of mind alone give great strength to the soul, to enable it to do all that God wishes, while, on the other hand, anxiety and uneasiness make the soul feeble and languid, and as though sick. Then one neither has a taste for nor an attraction to virtue, but, on the contrary, disgust and discouragement of which the devil does not fail to take advantage. For this reason he uses all his cunning to deprive us of peace, and under a thousand specious pretexts: at one time about self-examination, or sorrow for sin, at another about the way we continually neglect grace, or that by our own fault we make no progress; that God will, at last, forsake us, and a hundred other devices from which very few people can defend themselves. This is why masters of the spiritual life lay down this great principle to distinguish the true inspirations of God from those that emanate from the devil; that the former are always sweet and peaceful, inducing to confidence and humility, while the latter are intense, restless, and violent, leading to discouragement and mistrust, or else to presumption and self-will. We must, therefore, constantly reject all that does not show signs of peace, submission, sweetness and confidence; this point is a very important one for the whole of our life.”Lest we consider the spiritual life something we pursue "when we have the time," attending to it when we're not busy with the pressing business of the day, practical men of the world that we are, we suggest you re-consider. Do so by re-reading this critical phrase in Father De Caussade's exhortation:
"peace of soul...must be preserved with such care that the moment it is attacked all else must be put aside and every effort made to try and regain this holy peace, just as, in an outbreak of fire everything else is neglected to hasten to extinguish the flames."Wouldn't this be how you handle a crisis at work: attend to it right away? Ignore a crisis at your peril. Your job or your business may be at stake. Lose that important customer, and revenue and profits fall. Overlook that manufacturing glitch, and your product will hit the marketplace with defects, ultimately pulling the rug out from under your sales goals.
You know that drill. And you know your soul is far more important than any career goal or business initiative. Start this New Year by applying what you know. Use this wonderful tool that God has given to all of us - peace of soul - to start the New Year off right.
Happy New Year!