Happy Thanksgiving!

Time to get that free range turkey out of the fridge and begin the preparation for the big day. As usual, I'm the chef for Thanksgiving. It's something enjoyable, all this preparation and cooking, anticipating the arrival of loved ones. (It can be exhausting too, so remember to ease up an try to avoid being ready for a nap when the meal's served!)

One of our loved ones will be working most of the day. He's worked more than one Thanksgiving, as did I once upon a time. My thoughts and those of our family will be with him, but we hope he can get home before the day is done to have some of the great feast we've planned.  The rest of us get the day off. Many thanks for that.

If you too have to work on this Thanksgiving Day, you may be doing something essential or otherwise important to some or all of us, so special thanks to you. I remember I especially missed being with my family when I worked on a few Thanksgivings, but I also remember especially enjoying Thanksgiving dinner when I arrived home. So if you're working, just keep close to Our Lord and the day will be filled with blessings. You'll get home eventually.

While Thanksgiving is basically an American national holiday, a special day to give thanks for the blessing in our lives, we Catholics are used to giving thanks every day. These words from St. Paul in his Letter to the Colossians remind us of that spirit of thanksgiving that marks our daily lives, even without the turkey and trimmings:

As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so live in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

Wishing you all a...

Happy Thanksgiving!


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