Start the New Year Off Right By Doing These Three Things Consistently

If we all do these three things consistently, the New Year should start off right:

First, in Latin:


A sign with these three words remains posted in our home, a remnant of the years my wife home-schooled our children. The hope was they would integrate these three into their daily actions. Despite mixed results (our children being, like the rest of us, fallen creatures in need of God's grace), that hope remains. And it remains also for us - or more accurately for me.

Expedite = promptly
Firmiter = thoroughly
Delectabiliter = joyfully

Think about how these three little words would improve your results at work, never mind at home. Apply them to each and every task you tackle today. Without exception.

Temperament will play a role in the degree of success your experience here. If you were born an enthusiastic sort, for example, promptness, even joy will likely come naturally to you. But after that initial burst of enthusiasm, you'll need to cultivate the staying power to thoroughly complete each task. On the other hand, if you tend to lack an initial spark of enthusiasm but have no problem diving into the details of the task at hand, you'll simply work on your expedite even as you successfully complete each task applying your firmiter.

Whatever your natural inclination, consider these three in concert, applied faithfully each day to each and every task. Can you conceive of a better way to approach what the Lord sends your way?

And please remember this: It is Our Lord who sends us those challenges each day, whether in the form of regular tasks we need to attend to or those sudden, surprising and sometimes disconcerting items that shake us out of our torpor from time to time. And it is His grace that will see us through as well.

Pray for the grace to remember these three in 2016 and work accordingly:

Expedite = promptly
Firmiter = thoroughly
Delectabiliter = joyfully

Imagine how much better work you can and will do applying these. Imagine how appreciative your spouse will be if you can respond to household tasks in this same fashion.

No matter our New Year's resolutions, some of which you will pursue, some you'll forget, some with which you'll struggle, these three Latin words will enhance our daily efforts to know, love, and serve God in our work, in our relationships, in all our thoughts, words and actions throughout each and every day in this Year of Our Lord 2016.

Happy New Year!


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