Offering up a Great Day at Work

Last time we looked at what we Catholics who work might do when we're anxious for any reason. We saw how a tough day can be seen or turned into a gift from God. But what about those days when everything's going our way?

Yes, sometimes even I wake up to a great day at work. I shake the sand out of my eyes upon awakening and even as I say my Morning Offering, good stuff starts popping up. Following a good night's rest, the To Do list that yesterday looked so daunting now looks more like the marquee of a Broadway show - starring ME of course.

Yes sir, my name's up there in lights. It's my time to shine. Today we close the deal of the century - or something like that. Really, it might just be that a project I've slaved over for weeks, finally nears completion and gets put to bed, leaving me with a little breathing room for the first time in I-don't-know-how-long. Or maybe I just accepted that offer for the position I really wanted and I'm going in to resign from the position that's been a constant source of drag on my brilliant career. Whatever has got me dancing on tip toes as I float through my morning routine will last through the whole day; nothing can stand in my way. I feel GREAT.

But just as with those days that aren't so stellar, we Catholics don't just stick with what's at hand. We know that we can - and should - seek the supernatural in the natural. With a great day at work, that starts with a hefty dose of gratitude.

Deo Gratias!

Imagine God giving me this wonderful day, a sinner, one who so often has turned his back on Him Who suffered and died for me on the Cross. Yes, even I who is so inordinately attached to ME rather then Him. Despite my shortcomings and repeated failures, He still deigns to give me this glorious day at work, a day where nothing can go wrong, where everything I touch turns to gold.

Maybe I think of all the times I doubted His love just because I didn't get what I wanted, what I thought was good for me, or when I was really desperate and needed a break and didn't get it (at least it seemed that way at the time). Despite all those times, despite my lack of faith in Him, His faith in me never flagged. He kept loving me, even when I couldn't see it.

But now, now I do see it. Yes, it must be His doing. My intellect grasps the truth that all good comes from God. And I'm not about to forget, to forsake what I know to be true, and think that somehow I earned this, that I in any way deserve it. What I deserve are more tough days, even miserable days. Now that would be consistent with my fallen nature, as so often expressed in the thoughts, words, and actions that highlight my typical day. But, no, my Father in Heaven, my Savior, and His Holy Spirit have deigned to grant me this day of days, this high point of the week or month, or year, maybe even high point of my life.

And so what started as a great day, and continued to be even greater, turns to a superlative day. Above all, I'm grateful to God for His wonderful gift of a glorious day. I just can't say it enough.

Thank You Lord!

Deo Gratias!


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