A Sunday Thought About Putting Your Eggs Into One Basket to Start the Week Off Right

We rarely if ever put all our eggs in one basket. It's considered bad practice to do so, at least most of the time.

For example, if you're looking for a job, you wouldn't pick just one company and keep hounding them until they hire you; you'd likely follow as many leads as you can muster until you find one that hires you. The classic wisdom that tells you not to plunk your hard-earned savings into one stock and hope for the best makes good sense. Heck, we even like variety in our shopping carts. Peanut butter and jelly three times a day? Hardly.

But, although rare, sometimes, putting all your eggs into one basket can make a lot of sense. Religion's a good example. And when it comes to religion, the basket of choice for all your eggs should be the Holy Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ.

Yes, I realize we're all supposed to be tolerant of other religious beliefs (even of agnostics and atheists) these days. But for us Catholics, our tolerance should never sway us or confuse us. Just because our Pope and bishops don't spend all their time condemning or even criticizing the beliefs of others doesn't - or shouldn't - lessen our assurance that the teachings of our One Holy Catholic Church are true and that teachings of other religions that don't agree with Catholic doctrine are false. We can respect others without agreeing with everything they say or do.

To repeat in a slightly different way, when it comes to religion, put all your eggs in one basket: the Holy Catholic Church.

Tolerance of other religions doesn't imply or include accepting teachings that contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ, as taught by the Church He personally established while He walked among us. Be careful here or you'll likely be lulled into a hazy sort of religious daze where one faith starts to look as good as another, where one's religion becomes a "personal choice." If you don't understand that, while some other religions may contain elements of truth, there's only one religion that contains the fullness of Truth, you'll soon count yourself among that weak-willed, flabby contingent of "cafeteria" catholics who claim far too many of us among their numbers these days. Have confidence in the Truth of your Holy Faith. 

Again, when it comes to your religion, go ahead and put all your eggs in one basket, as long as it's the One True Church founded by Jesus Christ: the Holy Catholic Church.

And to encourage you to do so on this lovely Sunday, here's a scene from the superlative team of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, collaborating with the great American songwriter Irving Berlin, from their movie "Follow the Fleet" called - what else? - "I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket."


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