A Catholic Guide for Busy Working Men
Last time we introduced Father Vincent Fitzpatrick's What Every Catholic Should Have Committed to Memory by referring to it as a Catholic Guide for Busy Working Men. After looking at the basic topics Father covers, we now show you his thorough breakdown of each topic in outline form. As suggested, you can go through these to determine what you already know and where you need to brush up. You'll see that it's simple but comprehensive. It will equip you to explain and, when necessary, defend your Catholic Faith. But, more importantly, by making this knowledge your own, by letting it expand and energize your interior life, you'll be able to live your Faith in all its richness.
What Every Catholic Should Have
Committed to Memory
(and be able to define and discuss)
by Father Vincent Fitzpatrick
Seven Pillars of Catechesis:
The Three Parts of Salvation History
I Old Testament
Creation, Original Sin, First Covenant, the first murder, Tower of
Babel, the Flood, The Second Covenant, the Sacrifice of Isaac, Second
Covenant, Joseph in Egypt, the Burning Bush, the Exodus, Ten
Commandment, Third Covenant, Manna in the Desert, Tabernacle and Third
Covenant, Joshua into promised land, Judges, David and the Fourth
Covenant, etc.
II New Testament
Infancy Narratives, Miracles of Christ, Parables of Christ, Principal
Discourses, Passion and Resurrection
Acts of the Apostles
Ascension, Pentecost, First Martyrs, Paul
III Church History
Roman Empire, Monasticism, "Dark Ages," Middle Ages, Scholasticism,
Reformation and Counter-Reformation, French Revolution to the Present
Great Heresies: Trinitarian and Christological Heresies (300 A.D.),
Lutheranism, Calvinism (1500 A.D.), Jansenism (1800 A.D.), Modernism
(1900 A.D.), Communism/Socialism (1789- A.D.), Consequentialism and
Proportionalism (1960- A.D.)
Lives of Saints in all periods
The Four Symbols of the Faith
IV The Creed
V The Moral Life
VI Sacraments
VII Prayer
IV The Creed
The Principal Dogmas
Marian Dogmas
V The Moral Life
The Intellect, Free Will, Appetites and Faculties
The Nature, Cause, and Effects of Original Sin
Effects of the Absence of Grace from Conception
The five effects of Original Sin
Gravity and Species of Sins
Mortal and Venial Sin, Subjective/Objective Guilt
Kinds of Sins
The Ten Commandments
The Precepts of the Church
Virtues and Vices
Four Cardinal Virtues
Three Theological Virtues
Moral Principles
Double Effect, Just War, Life, Property, "Exceptionless Norms,"
VI The Seven Sacraments
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Holy Orders, Matrimony, Sacrament
of the Sick
Sacraments of the Living and the Dead
Parts of the Mass
Penitential Rite, Kyrie, Gloria, Liturgy of the Word, Sanctus, Canon,
Consecration, Real Presence, Agnus Dei, Ecce Agnus Dei, Communion
Stations of the Cross
Eucharistic Adoration (Tantum Ergo/O Salutaris)
Angelus/Regina Caeli
VII Prayer
Lord's Prayer
Purposes of Prayer
Basic Prayers
Our Father, Hail Mary
Acts of Faith, Hope, Charity
Act of Contrition
Salve Regina
The Kyriale (The People's parts of the Mass)
Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei
What Every Catholic Should Have
Committed to Memory
(and be able to define and discuss)
by Father Vincent Fitzpatrick
Seven Pillars of Catechesis:
The Three Parts of Salvation History
I Old Testament
Creation, Original Sin, First Covenant, the first murder, Tower of
Babel, the Flood, The Second Covenant, the Sacrifice of Isaac, Second
Covenant, Joseph in Egypt, the Burning Bush, the Exodus, Ten
Commandment, Third Covenant, Manna in the Desert, Tabernacle and Third
Covenant, Joshua into promised land, Judges, David and the Fourth
Covenant, etc.
II New Testament
Infancy Narratives, Miracles of Christ, Parables of Christ, Principal
Discourses, Passion and Resurrection
Acts of the Apostles
Ascension, Pentecost, First Martyrs, Paul
III Church History
Roman Empire, Monasticism, "Dark Ages," Middle Ages, Scholasticism,
Reformation and Counter-Reformation, French Revolution to the Present
Great Heresies: Trinitarian and Christological Heresies (300 A.D.),
Lutheranism, Calvinism (1500 A.D.), Jansenism (1800 A.D.), Modernism
(1900 A.D.), Communism/Socialism (1789- A.D.), Consequentialism and
Proportionalism (1960- A.D.)
Lives of Saints in all periods
The Four Symbols of the Faith
IV The Creed
V The Moral Life
VI Sacraments
VII Prayer
IV The Creed
The Principal Dogmas
Marian Dogmas
V The Moral Life
The Intellect, Free Will, Appetites and Faculties
The Nature, Cause, and Effects of Original Sin
Effects of the Absence of Grace from Conception
The five effects of Original Sin
Gravity and Species of Sins
Mortal and Venial Sin, Subjective/Objective Guilt
Kinds of Sins
The Ten Commandments
The Precepts of the Church
Virtues and Vices
Four Cardinal Virtues
Three Theological Virtues
Moral Principles
Double Effect, Just War, Life, Property, "Exceptionless Norms,"
VI The Seven Sacraments
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Holy Orders, Matrimony, Sacrament
of the Sick
Sacraments of the Living and the Dead
Parts of the Mass
Penitential Rite, Kyrie, Gloria, Liturgy of the Word, Sanctus, Canon,
Consecration, Real Presence, Agnus Dei, Ecce Agnus Dei, Communion
Stations of the Cross
Eucharistic Adoration (Tantum Ergo/O Salutaris)
Angelus/Regina Caeli
VII Prayer
Lord's Prayer
Purposes of Prayer
Basic Prayers
Our Father, Hail Mary
Acts of Faith, Hope, Charity
Act of Contrition
Salve Regina
The Kyriale (The People's parts of the Mass)
Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei