Starting 2015 Off Right by Being Catholic

We've been talking about starting 2015 off right. How about we do that right now by simply being Catholic, especially at work? We're not talking about walking around saying the rosary instead of attending to the business at hand, of course.

For some of us being Catholic may first entail waking up from our sleep-walking ways. That's where we stumble from day to day caught up in simply satisfying various obligations or "demands" made on us, whether they be from our work, our families, or our friends. With our duties fulfilled, we then turn to some form of relief or pleasure, perhaps listening to those whisperings of the devil laced throughout the sights and sounds that inundate us, in what we read, in the distorted cacophony of sound that assaults us through sound speakers and all the devices into which so many of us plug our headphones and ear buds.

Once you wake up, or if by the grace of God you haven't let the daily grind turn your mind and soul into dust, it's time to face reality. In the end, that's really all being Catholic is about. You'll know you're facing reality when you're living each day authentically, as what you are: a creature of God, who was created to know, love and serve Him in this life and enjoy eternal life with Him in the next.

Most people - including many if not most Catholics - don't face reality or live in the real world. They're sleepwalking.

We, however, can, rather we must, face reality and live as real Catholics. Either that or we can go about our lives like so many of those around us - mired in the mud of materialism, reading and listening to soul-killing trivia, nonsense and garbage, supping on slop and goop. If you think about what most people (maybe you) read, listen to, eat and drink, you know what I mean here.

(The fact is, reality - as we understand it and are trying to explain it here - doesn't mix well with the slop and the goop that the world, the flesh and the devil serve up to us each day. Knowing this, Our Lord gave us His flesh to eat and His blood to drink - true food for souls craving something more than goop. That's why we get to Mass and receive Our Lord, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, every week. It's why some of us try to get to Mass more than once a week.)

Facing reality each day, you'll remember that He who created this world has a plan and that you fit into that plan; in addition, God has a specific plan just for you. Tell God you know this and that you want to do His Holy Will each and every moment of your life, this day and every day. Remember that He will give you the graces you need each and every moment to do His Holy Will, even when you can't see or "feel" His loving Hand guiding you.

That's being Catholic.

Being Catholic makes a difference not only in your life, but everyone with whom you come in contact every day - family, friends, colleagues - will be touched and moved by your being Catholic. You may not see the difference you will make in their lives, but be assured you will make a difference - simply by being Catholic.


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