A Sunday Thought About Memories of Holy Souls to Start the Week Off Right

When we pray our intentions are more important than our emotions. When we exercise our will and offer up our prayer and sacrifice for the Holy Souls in a special way during the month of November, it's not necessary that we "feel" anything. And yet feelings naturally intersect with intention from time to time, especially when we remember those loved ones who have gone before us. For example, this past Friday, I found myself staring at a lovely photo of my Mom and Dad, one that sits beside my bed, as I said a brief prayer for them. The photo evoked a series of memories along with a natural welling of emotion. The feelings didn't make my prayer more effective, of course. But they did bring to mind a song I want to share with you this fine fall Sunday morning.

It was written by Eubie Blake, who began his career as a pianist playing in the ragtime style espoused and perfected by Scott Joplin. While Joplin, born in 1867, only lived to age 49, Blake, born in 1887, not only played piano, but composed songs and performed well into his 90s, occasionally appearing in concert and as a guest on TV with all his wits - and his wit - about him. My music composition teacher, Rudy Schramm, once told me he had met and worked with Blake as he illustrated composition technique using Eubie's "Memories of You." That's the song I'm going to share with you.

(If you're a bit curious or skeptical about old Eubie's extraordinary competence as a nonagenerian, I've posted a video below of him playing "Memories of you" in concert, before a large audience, at the age of 98!)

If you don't know "Memories of You," it became a "standard" interpreted by dozens of artists over the years. This version by The Ink Spots, a vocal group famous in the 1930s and 1940s, perfectly captures the lilting sadness that Blake intended when he wrote this. As I listen to this old Ink Spots recording, you can bet it brings back memories of Mom and Dad - who were a young struggling couple during the era of the Ink Spots - as well as dear old Rudy, my music teacher. And while my prayers won't be any more effective, the feelings that spring from these memories do make those prayers sweeter.

Now here's that video of Eubie, the master himself playing "Memories of You" at age 98. Incredible!


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