Remember This When You Start Your Day's Work Today
Last time we talked about how summer affords some of us some extra time either for vacation or maybe, if we're not actually on vacation, a chunk of down time here and there during a less than hectic work day. When we're not so busy, not so pressed for time, not reacting to the latest crisis, or demand from our boss, or urgent request from a customer, we can take a moment or two to actually think. If you're in that blessed state of summer respite today, try this thought on for size.
Facing each work day with a plan, with the desire to get ahead, with an idea to improve your business, or with the myriad other thoughts that crowd into our brains when we're trying to apply ourselves diligently to our work each day, it's easy for our spiritual life to get lost in the mix. We've talked about this many times. So here's one more thought along those lines that can refocus our daily efforts, setting our hearts and minds straight even as we get down to our daily work. It begins with the recent glorious feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the desire for God.
You see, Our Lady's life began and ended with her desire for God. That's why she said "Yes" to the angel Gabriel. It also explains her Assumption into Heaven. You get this, right? The angel Gabriel didn't find Mary just lolling around the house. Most likely she was in the midst of some sort of activity. But she managed to stop for those few sacred moments, pay close attention to Gabriel's message, and respond as she did because, despite the busy-ness of the moment, her desire for God put her heart mind in the right place at the right time.
And when the end of her life came, her desire for God so overwhelmed the natural forces of bodily existence in this world, she was assumed directly into Heaven body and soul to be forever united, body and soul, with her Son. Father Plus, S.J. puts it this way:
Let's see if we can use whatever spare moments we gain during this summer respite that comes in August to rekindle this desire. Let's pray for the grace of a great desire for God.
Facing each work day with a plan, with the desire to get ahead, with an idea to improve your business, or with the myriad other thoughts that crowd into our brains when we're trying to apply ourselves diligently to our work each day, it's easy for our spiritual life to get lost in the mix. We've talked about this many times. So here's one more thought along those lines that can refocus our daily efforts, setting our hearts and minds straight even as we get down to our daily work. It begins with the recent glorious feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the desire for God.
You see, Our Lady's life began and ended with her desire for God. That's why she said "Yes" to the angel Gabriel. It also explains her Assumption into Heaven. You get this, right? The angel Gabriel didn't find Mary just lolling around the house. Most likely she was in the midst of some sort of activity. But she managed to stop for those few sacred moments, pay close attention to Gabriel's message, and respond as she did because, despite the busy-ness of the moment, her desire for God put her heart mind in the right place at the right time.
And when the end of her life came, her desire for God so overwhelmed the natural forces of bodily existence in this world, she was assumed directly into Heaven body and soul to be forever united, body and soul, with her Son. Father Plus, S.J. puts it this way:
“How could her body continue to contain a soul which so ardently desired union with the Eternal, face to face? It is impossible to explain, except as a sort of permanent miracle. Why did God permit Mary to live so many years after the death and ascension of her Divine Son? The first reason was probably that He willed through this long preparation for the Beatific Vision to increase immeasurably the Blessed Virgin’s capacity for love. Having known the visible and continual presence of the Savior during thirty-three years, she longs with all her heart for the great reunion. The days pass; she must wait. As Saint Augustine says, ‘God thirsts that we thirst for Him.’ May the Lord be praised and may His thirst be quenched! The thirst of all the saints for heaven in comparison with Mary’s maternal and virginal heart is as a drop of water lost in the immensity of the ocean, for Mary’s yearning surpassed that of all creatures.”What a beautiful description, one which should, or rather must burn into our brains as we start this work day, because we too must cultivate this desire for God. And no matter what the day holds in store for us, this desire must be foremost in our minds and hearts from morning to night if we ever want to make progress in our spiritual lives.
Let's see if we can use whatever spare moments we gain during this summer respite that comes in August to rekindle this desire. Let's pray for the grace of a great desire for God.