If Your Think You're Job is Tough: Here's a Reality Check

A job can be tough sometimes. Of course, "tough" can mean different things to different folks.

The other day I had to walk around Manhattan in some pretty hot, humid weather. Had some meetings and walking was really the only way to get from point A to point B. At the end of the day, I was pretty wrung out.

At times, I've had to work with some difficult people for an extended period of time. Add in a difficult boss - and "difficult" is a charitable description - and that job got tough at times.

Even in the best jobs, ones that you basically enjoy, if the economy or the market you're in turns south, the job gets tough - especially if you're an employee and the company needs to cut expenses, one such expense being your job.

The best way for a Catholic to respond when things get tough on the job is to put your trust in God and offer up any and all suffering. You can offer your suffering in reparation for sin, or for the suffering souls in purgatory. That's what Catholics do, or at least should do.

But unless you've got an extraordinarily tough job (like the one we're about to see), every once in a while it doesn't hurt to consider the difficulties others face on the job. Here's one that put the toughness I've faced at work in perspective:


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