A Sunday Prayer for the Christians of Mosul

If you're not aware of what's happening to the Christians of the Iraqi city of Mosul, it's time to not only catch up, but to pray for them. On the New Advent Catholic website, Elizabeth Scalia has been documenting the events as they unfold. Evil incarnate reigns in that city. This from one of her latest posts:

The choice is leave or take a bullet to the head; you have ten hours to get out or die; take nothing but the clothes on your back; oh, you need that glucose meter? Your blood pressure meds? That’s too bad.
(Read the rest HERE and I urge you to do so if you haven't been following these events.)

We talked about the Muslim group ISIS (or whatever they now call themselves) last month. That was in the context of reminding us that we are the Church Militant. At the very least, we Church Militant need to pray, to perform acts of charity and almsgiving, to fast for these, our Christian brothers and sisters. People whose families lived in Mosul for centuries are being forcibly, brutally forced to leave their homes and all their belongings behind. The more you learn about what these evil people are doing to the Christians, the more you have to wonder what's coming next. Would "genocide" be too strong a word?

Since Sunday is the Lord's Day, now would be a good time to offer prayer and sacrifice for these people.

To assist you in your full understanding and appreciation of what's happening, if you're having trouble visualizing the horror of people being herded together and forcibly removed from their homes, with only the clothes on their backs, I found this clip from Schindler's list. Oskar Schindler happens upon the Germans expelling Jews from their homes as he takes a ride in the country. If you've seen the movie, you know this scene begins his transformation. It's only a couple of minutes long.

From the movies to real life: Click HERE for an interview with Christians who've fled Mosul. With the visuals from a Hollywood cinematic masterpiece and the testimony of those real people now homeless and bereft of their money, their possessions, their families and friends, their churches, basically anything and everything that this world offered them, you can't help but pray.


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