The Holy Spirit, the Supernatural and Work
Here are some additional thoughts about the Holy Spirit and about the concept of the "supernatural," the understanding of which, while mysterious in some ways, is so critical to us Catholics, even we who spend so much of our time pressed by the demands of daily work. Don't think for a minute that our daily lives are "reality" and the supernatural is something vague, something best left for the speculations of theologians. As we've seen over and over again, it's the supernatural that's really real.
(Originally posted on July 30, 2009)
Pentecost came and went this year. I tried not to let it slip by, as it has at times in the past. It's really a great and important feast. We celebrate the "birthday" of the Church. The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles (and others who were in the Upper Room with them) in tongues of fire. Jesus had said He would send a Paraclete, and sure enough He did.
And so I thought about the Holy Spirit, and how I don't really have much of a "relationship" with Him. The Father, yes, the Son, even better, but the Holy Spirit? Do you have the same problem?
Anyway, how does this relate to Catholic men at work?
Well, I was reading a prayer to the Holy Spirit that said, in part, Increase my faith to such a degree that the supernatural may become for me the natural atmosphere in which I live. And that got me thinking about how we've lost the sense of the supernatural in our world. From what I can tell, we tend to think about the supernatural in the same way we think of the "superstitious." But, of course, it's totally different.
Why would I want the supernatural to "become for me the natural atmosphere in which I live"? Because this would bring God into my "space" all the time. I wouldn't always be having to reach for Him as if He's "out there."
Having that "sense of the supernatural" all the time is what we strive for when we sanctify our work. We do all our work, even the smallest detail out of love for Him.
Ah, it's kind of coming together. The Holy Spirit is the love between the Father and the Son - so powerful that it is expressed as a Person. So to work with love means to work with the Holy Spirit in some way.
Well, there's my stab at a mystery. I don't really "understand" it fully. But it gets me closer to a better relationship with the Holy Spirit - and helps me to see why calling on Him during the day at work makes perfect sense. I hope it helps you too.
(Originally posted on July 30, 2009)
Pentecost came and went this year. I tried not to let it slip by, as it has at times in the past. It's really a great and important feast. We celebrate the "birthday" of the Church. The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles (and others who were in the Upper Room with them) in tongues of fire. Jesus had said He would send a Paraclete, and sure enough He did.
And so I thought about the Holy Spirit, and how I don't really have much of a "relationship" with Him. The Father, yes, the Son, even better, but the Holy Spirit? Do you have the same problem?
Anyway, how does this relate to Catholic men at work?
Well, I was reading a prayer to the Holy Spirit that said, in part, Increase my faith to such a degree that the supernatural may become for me the natural atmosphere in which I live. And that got me thinking about how we've lost the sense of the supernatural in our world. From what I can tell, we tend to think about the supernatural in the same way we think of the "superstitious." But, of course, it's totally different.
Why would I want the supernatural to "become for me the natural atmosphere in which I live"? Because this would bring God into my "space" all the time. I wouldn't always be having to reach for Him as if He's "out there."
Having that "sense of the supernatural" all the time is what we strive for when we sanctify our work. We do all our work, even the smallest detail out of love for Him.
Ah, it's kind of coming together. The Holy Spirit is the love between the Father and the Son - so powerful that it is expressed as a Person. So to work with love means to work with the Holy Spirit in some way.
Well, there's my stab at a mystery. I don't really "understand" it fully. But it gets me closer to a better relationship with the Holy Spirit - and helps me to see why calling on Him during the day at work makes perfect sense. I hope it helps you too.