A Pentecost Though About God Dwelling Within Us - Part 4
Today we finish our "mini-series" on God dwelling with us, inspired by the great feast of Pentecost. We've seen how the early Christians understanding of God dwelling within us penetrated every moment of their daily lives. And we've also seen how 2,000 years later we can deepen our understanding of the awesome reality of God dwelling with us, with the hopeful result that we too can lead our daily lives as authentic, vibrant Christians each and every day.
Oh, and if you think that our exploration represents some fanciful flight from the "real" world of work and other pressing personal obligations, consider the following comment from Archbishop Leen, whose writing has informed these recent posts. Here he summarizes just how real, and how fundamentally important it is that we understand that God dwells within us:
Second, do you see that the "substantial presence of God in the souls of those who are in grace" - that is, God dwelling within us - isn't something restricted to the first disciples in the upper room on that first Pentecost, or especially reserved for a select few "holy" people in our own time? Indeed, God dwells in you and me as much as he dwelt in canonized saints when they lived here on earth.
With all this in mind, it's time for each of us to now apply this understanding to our daily lives, even our daily work. When you walk out the door to go to work, know that God accompanies you and stays with you as you begin the day's tasks. He's there watching and patiently waiting for you to turn to Him throughout your busy day. His Holy Spirit continually informs and guides you throughout the day. Knowing this, do you think it might be a good idea to pay attention to Him? Knowing that the God who loves you dwells within, do you think this might call for an occasional "Thank you Lord," especially when things go well during the work day? Trusting in Him, as you know you ought to do, do you think you can pause a moment when things don't go so well to simply place yourself in His hands, to rely on His strength rather than on your own to deal with any difficulties, knowing that He dwells within you, that all you have to do is recognize Him there, without any special words or even any words at all? He knows exactly what you need without any explanation from you.
Well, I hope these few posts at least opened the door for some of us who don't know or didn't really understand the stunning, awesome reality of God dwelling within us. I hope you have or will develop a closer relationship with God that penetrates every moment of your life, even those dense, busy moments at work when it's all you can do to stay on top of that seemingly endless list of "To Dos" that face most of us each day. And by the grace of God, especially those special graces He sends us on the feast of Pentecost, I hope you will cooperate with His grace and deepen your understanding of God dwelling within us through your own study.
Oh, and if you think that our exploration represents some fanciful flight from the "real" world of work and other pressing personal obligations, consider the following comment from Archbishop Leen, whose writing has informed these recent posts. Here he summarizes just how real, and how fundamentally important it is that we understand that God dwells within us:
According to St. Paul’s teaching, the Holy Spirit dwells in us to communicate to us the aptitude of loving God with the love of friendship. He abides there to encourage us to preserve the fair treasure of grace. He makes of our spirit a temple, a holy sanctuary, which cannot be violated without incurring the anger of God. He is given to us on earth as the pledge of the glory that is held out to us. He is in us as the principle of our glorious resurrection. It would be useless to multiply quotations from Scripture and from the writings of the great Christian teachers. From the testimony of the Sacred Writers and from the statements of the saints, it is impossible not to draw the conclusion that no doubt can be entertained as to a special, real, and substantial presence of God in the souls of those who are in grace.First of all, note the importance of being in the state of grace - something we previously pointed out - which reminds us to be sure to examine our conscience and go to confession on a regular basis.
Second, do you see that the "substantial presence of God in the souls of those who are in grace" - that is, God dwelling within us - isn't something restricted to the first disciples in the upper room on that first Pentecost, or especially reserved for a select few "holy" people in our own time? Indeed, God dwells in you and me as much as he dwelt in canonized saints when they lived here on earth.
With all this in mind, it's time for each of us to now apply this understanding to our daily lives, even our daily work. When you walk out the door to go to work, know that God accompanies you and stays with you as you begin the day's tasks. He's there watching and patiently waiting for you to turn to Him throughout your busy day. His Holy Spirit continually informs and guides you throughout the day. Knowing this, do you think it might be a good idea to pay attention to Him? Knowing that the God who loves you dwells within, do you think this might call for an occasional "Thank you Lord," especially when things go well during the work day? Trusting in Him, as you know you ought to do, do you think you can pause a moment when things don't go so well to simply place yourself in His hands, to rely on His strength rather than on your own to deal with any difficulties, knowing that He dwells within you, that all you have to do is recognize Him there, without any special words or even any words at all? He knows exactly what you need without any explanation from you.
Well, I hope these few posts at least opened the door for some of us who don't know or didn't really understand the stunning, awesome reality of God dwelling within us. I hope you have or will develop a closer relationship with God that penetrates every moment of your life, even those dense, busy moments at work when it's all you can do to stay on top of that seemingly endless list of "To Dos" that face most of us each day. And by the grace of God, especially those special graces He sends us on the feast of Pentecost, I hope you will cooperate with His grace and deepen your understanding of God dwelling within us through your own study.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful
And kindle in us the fire of Thy Love.
Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created
And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.