If Your Job Requires a Lot of Travel

Some jobs require lots of travel. One of our sons works for a major corporation that requires him to travel a couple, sometimes of few, times a month for a day or two. He's single and enjoys the travel.

But that's not really a lot of travel. I've known people who travel as much as 60% - 70% of the time, on a regular basis. And they're married with kids. That's a lot of travel. How do you balance your work and family time when you're away that much?

Besides those who must travel for their work, there's another group of folks who simply leave early in the morning and don't come back until it's quite late. I've known men (more so than women) who go to events after work - they're basically networking - that keep them out until the kids are fast asleep. They hardly see their wives or children during the week. They feel they must stay out to develop business. They consider it an essential business activity.

I've been more of a stick-in-the-mud when it comes to traveling. I don't really enjoy it, and for the most part, my jobs haven't demanded too much travel. Of course, there was that time that I had to attend two conferences in a row that kept me away for almost a week when our third child was just about due to be born. Lots of anxiety then, especially since it was before cell phones (imagine that!) and I had to call in to my wife regularly by land line to check up on how things were going. We got through it okay, as our child waited until I got back.

I realize that some people can't avoid traveling so much, as their jobs demand it. On the other hand, I do know that some people really don't need to be away so much, either traveling or staying out late working or attending evening events. I remember talking to my Dad about this. My father explained that a lot of folks who travel like this prefer being away from their families. They avoid the day-to-day hassles running the household, disciplining their kids, etc. I thought he was harsh at first, but have since come to know quite a few people who - without being overly judgmental - really do prefer being out, especially if they have more than one or two kids.

Whatever situation you're in when it comes to travel or having to be out of the home long hours, I hope you do your best to be home as much as you can if you have a family, and that you make it your business to engage with your wife and children as a husband and father should, as opposed to plopping down in front of the TV or your laptop.

If you're having trouble with being home as much as you should, or engaging with your family as you should when you are home, try praying to St Joseph. May 1st was the feast of St Joseph the Worker. I read an interesting article by Carole Breslin in The Wanderer about St Joseph the Worker, in which she points out how often Joseph had to travel in the early days of his marriage to Mary: "It seems Jo­seph is spending a good deal of his married life with Mary traveling. First to Bethlehem, then to Egypt and now back to Galilee where the Holy Family will continue to live the hidden life..."

Notice how St Joseph in his travels, got to be with his family. Then again, I'm not so sure having his family with him would make those travels any easier. It certainly would have created enormous anxiety for me, but then again, I'm pretty my sure faith and trust in God leaves much to be desired - especially compared to St Joseph.

St Joseph, pray for us workers who must be away from our families in order to do our jobs. Help us to discern when it is really necessary to be absent, as opposed to using travel or business activity as a means to avoid the difficulties involved in raising a family. Ask Your Son for the graces we need to live our lives strong in faith, with the sort of trust in God that you demonstrated during your life as foster father to Our Lord.

St Joseph the Worker, pray for us.


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