Bring Your Mother to Work Today
Many places of business have "Bring you child to work" day. We're free to bring our kids so that, I suppose, they get to see us in that place we head off to each morning and return from each evening. I remember once being in an office with little kids kind of wandering around, having to be told not to touch this, that, or the other thing. (At least their parent had the sense to keep an eye on them!) I have brought my kids to work a couple of times, but they were old enough so I didn't have to keep an eye on them. Plus, it was around a holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas, where I could leave with them during the day and enjoy the festive streets of the City of New York after a few minutes in the office, introducing them to various colleagues. I never could warm up to bringing little kids to work.
Anyway, now that most of them are out in the world working at various occupations, I sometimes wonder what their particular work places look like, who their colleagues are, how they get through the day and all that. Of course, there's no "Bring you father to work" day, so I'll probably never know.
I bring all this up because, with Mother's day this past Sunday, and having posted that piece about how Mary is our Mother, I thought about how we can - and should - bring our Mother to work each day. In the past we've talked quite a bit about not leaving God at the door when we get to our work each day, about bringing Jesus with us to work, but I'm not sure we've ever talked that much about Our Lady accompanying us to work each day.
We should bring her to work, you know. But first let's make sure we understand that Our Blessed Mother is our Mother: you, me, each and every one of us. She's not just some beautiful Lady on a cloud looking down from Heaven. Her intercession for us isn't just a theological concept; it's personal. That means that she watches over each of us and cares deeply for us as only a mother can.
Maybe just a spot of theology might help us understand this better. Remember we are members of Christ's Mystical Body? You know, He's the Head, and we're the members? Well, Mary is Christ's Mother, right? So that means that she is the Mother of His whole Mystical Body - the Whole Christ, Head and members. And this isn't some poetic image we're talking about here. It's literally true.
And what's really incredible here is that, unlike our earthly mothers, she is with us all the time, again not in some figurative way, but literally here and now, just as Our Blessed Lord is with each one of us. So, in a sense, we're bringing her with us each day to work, whether we realize it or not.
So here's the thing: Let's all wake up and realize this. And in doing so, maybe that realization will help make her presence felt - at least some of the time - throughout the work day. What could be better than having your Mother right there beside you throughout the day?
Think of it another way: Who looks out for you with more interest than your Mother?
We could spend a lot of time talking about Our Blessed Mother at work, and maybe we will in future posts. But for now, just remember that she really is your Mother, and she really is with you all the time, even when you're at work.
Can you imagine a happier thought to start the work day?
Anyway, now that most of them are out in the world working at various occupations, I sometimes wonder what their particular work places look like, who their colleagues are, how they get through the day and all that. Of course, there's no "Bring you father to work" day, so I'll probably never know.
I bring all this up because, with Mother's day this past Sunday, and having posted that piece about how Mary is our Mother, I thought about how we can - and should - bring our Mother to work each day. In the past we've talked quite a bit about not leaving God at the door when we get to our work each day, about bringing Jesus with us to work, but I'm not sure we've ever talked that much about Our Lady accompanying us to work each day.
We should bring her to work, you know. But first let's make sure we understand that Our Blessed Mother is our Mother: you, me, each and every one of us. She's not just some beautiful Lady on a cloud looking down from Heaven. Her intercession for us isn't just a theological concept; it's personal. That means that she watches over each of us and cares deeply for us as only a mother can.
Maybe just a spot of theology might help us understand this better. Remember we are members of Christ's Mystical Body? You know, He's the Head, and we're the members? Well, Mary is Christ's Mother, right? So that means that she is the Mother of His whole Mystical Body - the Whole Christ, Head and members. And this isn't some poetic image we're talking about here. It's literally true.
And what's really incredible here is that, unlike our earthly mothers, she is with us all the time, again not in some figurative way, but literally here and now, just as Our Blessed Lord is with each one of us. So, in a sense, we're bringing her with us each day to work, whether we realize it or not.
So here's the thing: Let's all wake up and realize this. And in doing so, maybe that realization will help make her presence felt - at least some of the time - throughout the work day. What could be better than having your Mother right there beside you throughout the day?
Think of it another way: Who looks out for you with more interest than your Mother?
We could spend a lot of time talking about Our Blessed Mother at work, and maybe we will in future posts. But for now, just remember that she really is your Mother, and she really is with you all the time, even when you're at work.
Can you imagine a happier thought to start the work day?