Asking for God's Help When Work Gets Tough

Work can be physically, mentally and emotionally tough sometimes.While most of us probably aren't digging ditches for a living, many of us have had to work long, hard hours, at least for stretches of time. And long hours, even sitting at a desk, take their toll. Maybe a better example would be having to work two jobs (or more!) If you've ever done this - let's say working Monday to Friday at one job, then working weekends too - you know how exhausted this can leave you.

Right now, I've got a number of projects going that require problem solving - something I basically enjoy doing. But at times, there are just so many moving parts to a given project that it can wear you out if you don't take a break: mental exhaustion sets in.

Or maybe you're working in an atmosphere of fear: the company's in trouble, or it's just been bought by another company. You don't know if you're going to keep your job - and neither do any of your co-workers. Everyone's on edge. That's emotionally exhausting.

Whatever makes your work tough to take, here's a suggestion: ask for God's help. Right away. Don't wait until things get really tough. As a matter of fact, even if you're not under the gun at the moment, ask for His help. Don't wait until you feel you're up against it. Get into the habit of asking all the time - even for the smallest things.

Our Lord Himself as much as tells us to do this in St Matthew's Gospel. Not only does He tell us to ask, He goes a step further:
Ask, and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
He's not only telling us to ask; He's telling us "it" will be given to you. There's more:
...For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. (Mat 7: 7-8)
 Now, I can't say that every time I've asked for something from Him, He's given me just what I wanted when I wanted it. Far from it. Maybe you've had the same experience. In fact, most of the time I ask, He seems not to be paying attention.

But still I ask.

It wasn't always that way. I used to take everything onto my shoulders. You know the saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going"? That's what I thought. For years and years. Tough guy. That was me. I loved the image. Fed my ego, for sure.

But that's now what God wants. More next time...


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