A Sunday Thought About Mary on Mother's Day
My mother's name was Mary. She died in June 2002, so today will be the the 14th Mother's Day since that there will be no call or visit on Mother's Day, just a memory.
I was going to say it will the 14th Mother's Day for me without a mother, but that's, of course, not true. We Catholics all have a Mother named Mary. She was not only the Mother of God, but is now a Mother to us all. So today, in addition to honoring our own individual mothers, why not also honor Our Blessed Mother in a special way?
Each of us Catholics is blessed by the clear, consistent teaching of another Mother - Holy Mother Church - regarding the Motherhood of Mary. For example, back in the 13th century St Bonaventure said:
Pope St Pius X, referring to such misguided beliefs, spoke sadly of:
As you listen to this traditional English version of this lovely hymn, pay attention the words provided. Each informed verse exudes the teachings of Holy Mother Church about Our Blessed Mother Mary. By the way, the intelligence and sensibility of these verses reminds us that England, before the reign of Henry the VIII and the terrible tragedy of Queen Elizabeth I's rejection of the Church, was known as the "Dowry of Mary" because of the special devotion of the English people to Our Lady.
If you haven't thought of Her lately, these few minutes will remind you of all we Catholics believe about Our Lady. Perhaps they will inspire you to honor her and, yes, to pray to her, today and every day of your life as you should, with the purity, earnestness, and tenderness of a child to his Mother.
I was going to say it will the 14th Mother's Day for me without a mother, but that's, of course, not true. We Catholics all have a Mother named Mary. She was not only the Mother of God, but is now a Mother to us all. So today, in addition to honoring our own individual mothers, why not also honor Our Blessed Mother in a special way?
Each of us Catholics is blessed by the clear, consistent teaching of another Mother - Holy Mother Church - regarding the Motherhood of Mary. For example, back in the 13th century St Bonaventure said:
God could make a bigger world or a wider sky, but He could not raise a pure creature higher than Mary, for the dignity of Mother of God is the highest dignity that can be conferred on a creature.Sadly, many Christians don't understand or appreciate Our Lady's Motherhood. In fact, they have an aversion to honoring Mary, believing it somehow diminishes Christ, Her Son. Indeed, some believe honoring Mary to be a form of idolatry. Such beliefs rank among the most sad and tragic consequences of the Protestant "Reformation."
Pope St Pius X, referring to such misguided beliefs, spoke sadly of:
...those men, who, seduced by the wiles of Satan, or deceived by false doctrines, persuade themselves that they can dispense with the aid of the Virgin Mary. They err deplorably who, under pretext of honoring duly Jesus Christ, ignore Him Mother. They fail to see that one does not draw near to the child without drawing near to the child’s mother.With this in mind, how about we all spend a few precious moments with Our Blessed Mother on this Mother's day? Here's a special version of the popular hymn "Ave Maria." Do yourself a favor and tune out the world for seven minutes.
As you listen to this traditional English version of this lovely hymn, pay attention the words provided. Each informed verse exudes the teachings of Holy Mother Church about Our Blessed Mother Mary. By the way, the intelligence and sensibility of these verses reminds us that England, before the reign of Henry the VIII and the terrible tragedy of Queen Elizabeth I's rejection of the Church, was known as the "Dowry of Mary" because of the special devotion of the English people to Our Lady.
If you haven't thought of Her lately, these few minutes will remind you of all we Catholics believe about Our Lady. Perhaps they will inspire you to honor her and, yes, to pray to her, today and every day of your life as you should, with the purity, earnestness, and tenderness of a child to his Mother.