A Quick Thought About St Therese and My Work
Today is the glorious feast of St Therese of Lisieux, the "Little Flower." If you don't know her, you should get to know her. I can heartily recommend Story of a Soul which is her masterwork of spiritual writing. It's incredible how this little French nun, who died at the age of 24 from tuberculosis, wrote these words. You'll see what I mean if you read the book. They penetrate even a soul as dense as mine. She has been declared a Doctor of the Church.
I could go on, but I'll just focus on one thought:
I pray to her just about every day for one thing: that by her intercession Our Lord may grant me the grace to perform my "little way" according to His Will.
St Therese's "Little Way" consists of doing our regular duties as best we can, for the greater glory of God. (That's my short version: you should read her writings.) And those regular duties, for me, certainly include my work.
In the past, I used to pray that she help me to do my "little way" perfectly. But after some time it seemed that my wanting to do anything perfectly was more about me than about God. So now I pray that through her intercession, Our Lord grant me the grace to perform my "little way" perfectly according to His Will. See the difference?
St Therese, pray for us.
I could go on, but I'll just focus on one thought:
I pray to her just about every day for one thing: that by her intercession Our Lord may grant me the grace to perform my "little way" according to His Will.
St Therese's "Little Way" consists of doing our regular duties as best we can, for the greater glory of God. (That's my short version: you should read her writings.) And those regular duties, for me, certainly include my work.
In the past, I used to pray that she help me to do my "little way" perfectly. But after some time it seemed that my wanting to do anything perfectly was more about me than about God. So now I pray that through her intercession, Our Lord grant me the grace to perform my "little way" perfectly according to His Will. See the difference?
St Therese, pray for us.