A Sunday WAKE UP Thought
If, as we've been discussing these last few Sundays, our culture and society have taken a turn south ever since most of us can remember, and if religion forms the real basis or foundation for culture and society as we saw T.S. Eliot eloquently explain, then it follows that each of us Catholics would best be occupied - each and every day of our lives - with living our Holy Faith to the utmost. Doesn't it?
Notice, I didn't say we should join the Tea Party, or become "activists," or write letters to our Congressmen, or stand up in Hyde Park, London, Times Square, New York, or wherever else folks stand on soap boxes and preach their brand of politics or religion to whoever will listen (although they don't do it much in those places any more). I didn't even say we should give away our money to, or spend our time working to further the activities of good Catholic institutions who defend and/or propagate our Holy Faith - although some of those things are worthy of our time and attention. While all those activities are worthy of our time, attention and money, they can't hold a candle to each and every one of us living our Faith every day by thinking, doing and saying what would meet the approval of not just our mothers, but Our Blessed Lord and His Blessed Mother.
Now, if you disagree that the cause of our individual salvation trumps being socially active or even charitable, one thing you really cannot disagree with is the urgency taking up the struggle against our cultural and social decline. I've always found the Old Testament particularly effective in driving home this point, especially as it concerns God's displeasure with those who would disobey His Holy Will. For example, as we see in Isaiah 34, God doesn't just somehow "take it all in stride":
This isn't just the poetic imagination of the writer at work here. It's a glimpse into just how God "sees" a disobedient world - one like our own. Indeed, the Old Testament is filled with such harrowing insights, and we Catholics would do well to take them seriously as we wind our way through this world of ours.
But the fact remains that the world probably isn't going to turn around overnight - if it indeed does at all while most of us are alive. It may just keep getting worse, although we remain hopeful and trust in the Lord, of course.
And it is here that Holy Mother Church makes clear to us that we would also do well to remember that, despite the disposition of the world around us, we must take our own lives in hand and start living each day as faithful Catholics. In fact, without us living as faithful Catholics, the society and culture keeps descending into the pit. And as it drifts - no, rushes - lower and lower, let's again ask ourselves if God just watches it all indifferently as He oversees His Creation. I don't think so.
The old expression "the fear of God" used to capture this idea that God will not tolerate either sinners nor a sinful world. Yes, He forgives us and is merciful - but only when we come to him in sorrow for our sins. And after our sorrow and His forgiveness, we must make up our minds to do better, to do His Holy Will - which brings us back to what we already saw: that we must take our own lives in hand and start living each day as faithful Catholics. Never mind that without us living as faithful Catholics, the society and culture keeps descending into the pit.
More on all this next Sunday...
Notice, I didn't say we should join the Tea Party, or become "activists," or write letters to our Congressmen, or stand up in Hyde Park, London, Times Square, New York, or wherever else folks stand on soap boxes and preach their brand of politics or religion to whoever will listen (although they don't do it much in those places any more). I didn't even say we should give away our money to, or spend our time working to further the activities of good Catholic institutions who defend and/or propagate our Holy Faith - although some of those things are worthy of our time and attention. While all those activities are worthy of our time, attention and money, they can't hold a candle to each and every one of us living our Faith every day by thinking, doing and saying what would meet the approval of not just our mothers, but Our Blessed Lord and His Blessed Mother.
Now, if you disagree that the cause of our individual salvation trumps being socially active or even charitable, one thing you really cannot disagree with is the urgency taking up the struggle against our cultural and social decline. I've always found the Old Testament particularly effective in driving home this point, especially as it concerns God's displeasure with those who would disobey His Holy Will. For example, as we see in Isaiah 34, God doesn't just somehow "take it all in stride":
Draw near, O nations, to hear,
and hearken, O peoples!
Let the earth listen, and all that comes from it.
For the Lord is enraged against all nations,
and, furious against all their host,
he has doomed them, has given them over for slaughter.
Their slain shall be cast out,
and the stench of their corpses shall rise;
the mountains shall flow with their blood.
All the host of heaven shall rot away and the skies roll up like a scroll.
All their host shall fall,
as leaves fall from the vine,
like leaves falling from the fig trees.
This isn't just the poetic imagination of the writer at work here. It's a glimpse into just how God "sees" a disobedient world - one like our own. Indeed, the Old Testament is filled with such harrowing insights, and we Catholics would do well to take them seriously as we wind our way through this world of ours.
But the fact remains that the world probably isn't going to turn around overnight - if it indeed does at all while most of us are alive. It may just keep getting worse, although we remain hopeful and trust in the Lord, of course.
And it is here that Holy Mother Church makes clear to us that we would also do well to remember that, despite the disposition of the world around us, we must take our own lives in hand and start living each day as faithful Catholics. In fact, without us living as faithful Catholics, the society and culture keeps descending into the pit. And as it drifts - no, rushes - lower and lower, let's again ask ourselves if God just watches it all indifferently as He oversees His Creation. I don't think so.
The old expression "the fear of God" used to capture this idea that God will not tolerate either sinners nor a sinful world. Yes, He forgives us and is merciful - but only when we come to him in sorrow for our sins. And after our sorrow and His forgiveness, we must make up our minds to do better, to do His Holy Will - which brings us back to what we already saw: that we must take our own lives in hand and start living each day as faithful Catholics. Never mind that without us living as faithful Catholics, the society and culture keeps descending into the pit.
More on all this next Sunday...