A Sunday Morning Thought About Society, Culture and God...continuing again
One more time on this subject, picking up from the last two Sundays.
First, to be clear, I'm not picking this theme to seek the negative and ignore the positive. I know plenty of people who think it's better to always "accentuate the positive." I'm not in that camp, although I am of the mind that seeking the negative isn't healthy. So this isn't about either: it's basically about what's going on and has been going around these parts of the world, for a long time.
While you can trace the secularism that has booted God from our society and culture back for many centuries, it's only since the 20th century that we see the trend really taking hold. For example, while we in the United States, since its founding and in our Constitution, have specifically not promoted a "state religion," it's only since the mid-20th century that we see court decisions that go far beyond forbidding a state literal religion and instead literally push God out of sight.
By the way, some Catholics believe that an ordered State would recognize the Kingship of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as the ultimate Head of State and His Holy Catholic Church therefore ought to be actively supported by the State. We're not going to get into a debate about that now. (It is, however, a worthy subject for discussion.) What we're trying to do here is simply face reality. And to make our point about the already increased and rapidly increasing collapse of our society and culture, based upon its rejection of God and His Church, we look here at a statement from Cardinal John Njue of Kenya, addressed to President Obama's recent comments during his trip to Africa - a trip where our President pushed the acceptance of homosexuals on countries in Africa in which homosexual acts are illegal (there are 38 of them, apparently). The Cardinal's response to this:
“Those people who have already ruined their society … let them not become our teachers to tell us where to go.“
I don't think the Cardinal is seeking to accentuate the negative about our society and culture here. He's simply stating the obvious - in rather stark, powerful words:
For the Cardinal, it's a fait accompli - and it's hard to argue with or dismiss his words.
Meanwhile, we of the Faith, we who trust in God's mercy and love, who devote our lives to doing His Holy Will (with all our stumbling and falling, and getting back up again after a good confession, of course) must forge ahead each day and live each day as authentic Catholics in what has become a rather hostile world.
On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with, having looked reality square in the face, seeking out the positive things going on in our lives. So to that end, if you're in the mood for a shot of "positive" this Sunday morning, here's a cool version of the Harold Arlen classic "Accentuate the Positive" by the great Bing Crosby accompanied by the wonderful Andrews Sisters.
In the end, we mustn't let the world disturb the peace that should always characterize the state our interior life, no matter what the state of our society and culture. Have a holy, peaceful Sunday.
First, to be clear, I'm not picking this theme to seek the negative and ignore the positive. I know plenty of people who think it's better to always "accentuate the positive." I'm not in that camp, although I am of the mind that seeking the negative isn't healthy. So this isn't about either: it's basically about what's going on and has been going around these parts of the world, for a long time.
While you can trace the secularism that has booted God from our society and culture back for many centuries, it's only since the 20th century that we see the trend really taking hold. For example, while we in the United States, since its founding and in our Constitution, have specifically not promoted a "state religion," it's only since the mid-20th century that we see court decisions that go far beyond forbidding a state literal religion and instead literally push God out of sight.
By the way, some Catholics believe that an ordered State would recognize the Kingship of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as the ultimate Head of State and His Holy Catholic Church therefore ought to be actively supported by the State. We're not going to get into a debate about that now. (It is, however, a worthy subject for discussion.) What we're trying to do here is simply face reality. And to make our point about the already increased and rapidly increasing collapse of our society and culture, based upon its rejection of God and His Church, we look here at a statement from Cardinal John Njue of Kenya, addressed to President Obama's recent comments during his trip to Africa - a trip where our President pushed the acceptance of homosexuals on countries in Africa in which homosexual acts are illegal (there are 38 of them, apparently). The Cardinal's response to this:
“Those people who have already ruined their society … let them not become our teachers to tell us where to go.“
I don't think the Cardinal is seeking to accentuate the negative about our society and culture here. He's simply stating the obvious - in rather stark, powerful words:
"already ruined their society."
Meanwhile, we of the Faith, we who trust in God's mercy and love, who devote our lives to doing His Holy Will (with all our stumbling and falling, and getting back up again after a good confession, of course) must forge ahead each day and live each day as authentic Catholics in what has become a rather hostile world.
On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with, having looked reality square in the face, seeking out the positive things going on in our lives. So to that end, if you're in the mood for a shot of "positive" this Sunday morning, here's a cool version of the Harold Arlen classic "Accentuate the Positive" by the great Bing Crosby accompanied by the wonderful Andrews Sisters.
In the end, we mustn't let the world disturb the peace that should always characterize the state our interior life, no matter what the state of our society and culture. Have a holy, peaceful Sunday.