A Sunday Morning Thought About Society, Culture and God

Society and culture without God doesn't work. I think we're seeing this more and more these days as people kick God out of any and every public forum.

I recently read two works by T.S. Eliot, an Anglican whose religious beliefs came oh-so-close to the fullness of Truth found in the Catholic Church. These were not poems, but were rather published right before and right after World War II. Eliot recognized the role the rejection of God and religion that marks the modern world played leading up to that war. And he offered suggestions after the war about rebuilding Western civilization, which lay in ruins after the war. The Idea of a Christian Society and Notes Towards the Definition of Culture capture his thoughtful reflections about a Western civilization brought to its knees by those secular forces. Eliot correctly understood that the physical ruin all around him also contained a spiritual ruin that had been building up since the Enlightenment, when men formally began to reject Christ's Kingship and take on themselves the role of secular self-rule.

We now live in a time where our Supreme Court can rule that children can be killed and that homosexual "unions" must be accepted as the same as marriage. And so our highest court legalized murder in Roe vs Wade. By equating homosexual unions with marriage in US vs Windsor, we find a twisting of the meaning of the word and the very concept of marriage. I suggest such twisting of words and concepts to suit the purposes of some individual or group of individuals is a form of mayhem, defined as violent or damaging disorder, or chaos. And so we find our Supreme Court promoting murder and mayhem.

Do you think that kicking God out of any and every public forum might have something to do with us reaching this point in our culture and society?

We Catholics can't just shrug our shoulders as we witness this. Of course, if we do speak out we will not only be mocked, but most probably persecuted. In fact, we will be persecuted and most likely prosecuted for simply speaking the truth in the future.

But don't be surprised at this. When the highest court in the land promotes murder and mayhem, what else can be expected. Prepare yourself.


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