
Most of us take vacation in the summer. We're taking ours now.

Given the awful state of catechesis these days, I thought I'd mention something that some of you should know, but maybe not all: you have to get to Mass on Sunday, even when you're on vacation.

Okay, those of us who know know this isn't so hard to do. But if you somehow think that vacation excuses you from Mass, please try to make every effort to plan your vacation so that you get to Mass. And since most of us don't vacation in places like Antarctica, the Amazon jungle, or Yemen, getting to Mass ought not to be too hard to arrange.

The other thing you don't have to do, but should try to do is to really, really take a break from work. While getting to Mass has never been hard for our family, I can't say the same about taking a break from my work. And, frankly, that's been a bit of a problem at times, since the time I'm on vacation is the ideal time to completely utterly focus on my family - which becomes a challenge if my mind is on my work.

It's taken a lot of time and effort to learn to break away, and I'm not perfect at this yet, but I lately I have been able to push away from my work. For me, the thing that helped me do this was the one and only vacation I ever took where we were away from home for more than a week. Of course, I was able to stay in touch with my technology, but I did discover that my business did not evaporate because I was away from home and could not constantly stay in touch multiple time during the day. Hallelujah!

So if you're planning your summer vacation, please make sure first of all that you get to Mass, at least on Sunday. Second, try to take a serious break from work. Seriously.

Oh, and one more thing: keep close to Our Lord. Don't give up your norm of piety. Pray, meditate, study, etc. You can do it all while you're on vacation, with not such a great effort. Just push yourself a bit, if you need to.

Our Lord, who gave His life for you, will appreciate every effort you make to stay close to Him - even on vacation.


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