Mary and Materialism
We haven't talked much about Mary during this month of May, so here's a thought before we head into June next week.
The great "disease" of our age is materialism. The connection with our work comes if and when we completely focus our efforts on making money, without any consideration for our work as a means of spiritual progress. Not that money isn't important, but if that's all our work means, then we'll quite easily catch a good dose of that disease of materialism.
For me, Mary can be the perfect antidote to this disease. Here's how.
It's not uncommon for me to ask Our Lord for some material blessing: better job, more money, etc. I'm not saying that I ask in a greedy way to get rich or have the world's best job or anything like that: just the normal stuff that any husband and father might ask for as he faces the responsibilities of raising a family, especially if your spouse stays home to raise the kids.
So nothing wrong with that, of course; it's just that you really do have to watch how much time and effort you put into asking for material things. You have to watch because with the "disease" of materialism floating about, you can easily catch some of that bad stuff if you're not careful.
Now, I don't know about you, but when I thought about it, I can't remember ever asking Our Blessed Mother for anything materialistic. Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that when I was growing up I never asked my mother for any money or any stuff. My Dad was the go-to guy for that, not Mom. My Mom stayed home, just like my wife does, while I was growing up - at least until I was older and could pretty much take care of myself, when she got a part-time job to help out with the family finances. (We never had much money.)
Whenever I ask Mary for something, it's usually something like helping me to grow closer to God, be a better husband and father - personal stuff, spiritual stuff. So it would seem that Mary's helping me to avoid that disease of materialism that's got so many of us sick to the depths of our souls.
Putting aside the fact that I grew up with very little and never asked my Mom for money or stuff, it makes perfect sense that Our Blessed Mother wouldn't be someone you'd ask for money or stuff. We all know she was the mother of a relatively poor family. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to ask her for stuff she probably never had herself?
Anyway, it's always a comfort when I pray or just talk to her, especially if I talk to her the way I might have talked to my Mom when I was just a little boy. She's someone who comforts and helps. Her giving has nothing to do with money or stuff. She gave herself to Our Lord and she gives herself to us by listening and interceding our our behalf.
So just thinking about Mary, praying to Mary, talking to Mary really helps us avoid catching that deadly disease that's torn apart our culture and society.
Thank you Blessed Mother for keeping me safe from the disease of materialism.
The great "disease" of our age is materialism. The connection with our work comes if and when we completely focus our efforts on making money, without any consideration for our work as a means of spiritual progress. Not that money isn't important, but if that's all our work means, then we'll quite easily catch a good dose of that disease of materialism.
For me, Mary can be the perfect antidote to this disease. Here's how.
It's not uncommon for me to ask Our Lord for some material blessing: better job, more money, etc. I'm not saying that I ask in a greedy way to get rich or have the world's best job or anything like that: just the normal stuff that any husband and father might ask for as he faces the responsibilities of raising a family, especially if your spouse stays home to raise the kids.
So nothing wrong with that, of course; it's just that you really do have to watch how much time and effort you put into asking for material things. You have to watch because with the "disease" of materialism floating about, you can easily catch some of that bad stuff if you're not careful.
Now, I don't know about you, but when I thought about it, I can't remember ever asking Our Blessed Mother for anything materialistic. Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that when I was growing up I never asked my mother for any money or any stuff. My Dad was the go-to guy for that, not Mom. My Mom stayed home, just like my wife does, while I was growing up - at least until I was older and could pretty much take care of myself, when she got a part-time job to help out with the family finances. (We never had much money.)
Whenever I ask Mary for something, it's usually something like helping me to grow closer to God, be a better husband and father - personal stuff, spiritual stuff. So it would seem that Mary's helping me to avoid that disease of materialism that's got so many of us sick to the depths of our souls.
Putting aside the fact that I grew up with very little and never asked my Mom for money or stuff, it makes perfect sense that Our Blessed Mother wouldn't be someone you'd ask for money or stuff. We all know she was the mother of a relatively poor family. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to ask her for stuff she probably never had herself?
Anyway, it's always a comfort when I pray or just talk to her, especially if I talk to her the way I might have talked to my Mom when I was just a little boy. She's someone who comforts and helps. Her giving has nothing to do with money or stuff. She gave herself to Our Lord and she gives herself to us by listening and interceding our our behalf.
So just thinking about Mary, praying to Mary, talking to Mary really helps us avoid catching that deadly disease that's torn apart our culture and society.
Thank you Blessed Mother for keeping me safe from the disease of materialism.